MOVPE and bulk crystals of Cu(Al, Ga)(S, Se)2 widegap chalcopyrite semiconductors

(a) Papers

Year Authors Title Journal Vol., Page Link
2012-1 B. Gil, D. Felbacq, and S. F. Chichibu Exciton binding energies in chalcopyrite semiconductors Physical Review B 85
pp.075205 1-5
Year Authors Title Journal Vol., Page Link
2007-1 秩父重英 カルコパイライト半導体のエピタキシャル成長 応用物理学会 多元系機能材料研究会 20周年記念誌「20年の歩み」 依頼原稿

2005-1 S. F. Chichibu, T. Ohmori, N. Shibata, T. Koyama, and T. Onuma Fabrication of p-CuGaS2/n-ZnO:Al heterojunction light-emitting diode grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy and helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering methods Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 66
2004-1 S. F. Chichibu, T. Ohmori, N. Shibata, T. Koyama, and T. Onuma Greenish-white electroluminescence from p-type CuGaS2 heterojunction diodes using n-type ZnO as an electron injector Applied Physics Letters 85
2003-2 S. F. Chichibu, Y. Harada, M. Sugiyama, and H. Nakanishi Metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy of Cu(AlxGa1-x)(SySe1-y)2chalcopyrite semiconductors and their band offsets Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 64
2003-1 M. Sugiyama, R. Nakai, H. Nakanishi, and SF. Chichibu Interface Fermi level pinning in a Cu/p-CuGaS2 Schottly diode Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 64
2002-3 M. Sugiyama, R. Nakai, H. Nakanishi, and SF. Chichibu Fermi-level pinning at the metal / p-type CuGaS2 interfaces Journal of Applied Physics 92pp.7317-7315
2002-2 Y. Harada, H. Nakanishi, and S. F. Chichibu Band gap energy bowing and residual strain in CuAl(SxSe1-x)2 chalcopyrite semiconductor epilayers grown by low-pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. Journal of Applied Physics 91
2002-1 S. F. Chichibu, S. Shirakata, and H. Nakanishi Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy of Cu(Al,Ga,In)(S,Se)2 Chalcopyrite Semiconductors Institute of Pure and Applied Physics Books 1
2001-3 Yoshiyuki Harada, Hisayuki Nakanishi, and Shigefusa F. Chichibu Green to ultraviolet photoluminescence from CuAlxGa1-xS2 chalcopyrite semiconductor heteroepitaxial alloys grown by low-pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy Jounal of Crystal Growth 226
2001-2 Yoshiyuki Harada, Hisayuki Nakanishi, Shigefusa F. Chichibu Structural studies of Cu–III–VI2 chalcopyrite semiconductor heteroepitaxial films grown by low-pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy Journal of Applied Physics 89
2001-1 Mutsumi Sugiyama, Hisayuki Nakanishi, Shigefusa F. Chichibu Experimental Determination of Valence Band Discontinuities at Cu(Al,Ga)(S,Se)2/GaAs(001) Heterointerfaces Using Ultraviolet Photoemission Spectroscopy Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 40
pp.L428 - L430
Year Authors Title Journal Vol., Page Link
2000-3 Ravhi S. Kumar, A. Sekar, N. Victor Jaya, S. Natarajan and S. Chichibu Structural studies of CuAlSe2 and CuAlS2 chalcopyrites at high pressures Journal of Alloys and Compounds 312
2000-2 S. Shirakata, S. Chichibu, H. Miyake, and K. Sugiyama Optical properties of CuGaSe2 and CuAlSe2 layers epitaxially grown on Cu(In0.04Ga0.96)Se2 substrates Journal of Applied Physics 87
2000-1 S. Shirakata and S. Chichibu Photoluminescence of CuGaS2 epitaxial layers grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy Journal of Applied Physics 87
1997-4 S. Shirakata, S. Chichibu, and S. Isomura Room-Temperature Photoreflectance of CuAlxGa1-xSe2 Alloys Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 36
1997-3 S. Shirakata, S. Chichibu, and S. Isomura Crystal Growth and Optical Properties of CuAl(SxSe1-x)2 Alloys Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 36
1997-2 S. Chichibu, H. Nakanishi, S. Shirakata, S. Isomura, H. Miyake, and K. Sugiyama Improved quality of CuGaSe2 and CuAlSe2 epilayers grown on CuGa0.96In0.04Se2 substrates Applied Physics Letters 71
1997-1 S. Chichibu, S. Shirakata, S. Isomura, and H. Nakanishi Visible and Ultraviolet Photoluminescence from Cu-III-VI2 Chalcopyrite Semiconductors Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 36
1996-10 S. Chichibu Excitonic emissions from CuAlS2 and CuAlSe2 応用物理(研究紹介) 第65巻,第1号
1996-9 S. Chichibu, H. Nakanishi, S. Shirakata, S. Isomura, Y. Harada, S. Matsumoto, H. Higuchi, and T. Kariya Preparation and characterization of CuAlxGa1-xSe2 alloy epilayers grown by low-pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy Journal of Applied Physics 80
1996-8 M. Takahashi, A. Takahashi, R. Takei, N. Manba, H. Nakanishi, T. Irie, and S. Chichibu Growth of ZnInGaS4 Single Crystals by Vertical Bridgman Method Crystal Research and Technology 31pp.S73-76

1996-7 S. Chichibu, M. Takahashi, N. Manba, A. Takahashi, R. Takei, H. Nakanishi, and T. Irie X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Analysis of CdS/CdInGaS4 Heterointerface Crystal Research and Technology 31

1996-6 T. Wakiyama, S. Matsumoto, and S. Chichibu Crystal Growth of AgGaS2 by the Vertical Bridgman Method Crystal Research and Technology 31

1996-5 S. Shirakata, S. Chichibu, and S. Isomura Photoluminescence of Heteroepitaxial CuGaS2 Layers Crystal Research and Technology 31

1996-4 S. Chichibu, S. Shirakata, K. Haga, and H. Nakanishi Low-Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Depiition of CuAlS2 Epilayers Crystal Research and Technology 31

1996-3 T. Azuhata, T. Terasako, K. Yoshida, T. Sota, K. Suzuki, and S. Chichibu Lattice dynamics of CuAlS2 and CuAlSe2 Physica B 219/220
1996-2 A. Yamada, Y. Makita, S. Niki, A. Obara, P. Fons, H. Shibata, M. Kawai, S. Chichibu, and H. Nakanishi Band-edge photoluminescence of CuGaSe2 films grown by molecular beam epitaxy Journal of Applied Physics 79
1996-1 S. Shirakata and S. Chichibu Photoreflectance of Cu-based I-III-VI2 heteroepitaxial layers grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition Journal of Applied Physics 79
1995-4 S. Chichibu, S. Shirakata, M. Uchida, Y. Harada, T. Wakiyama, S. Matsumoto, H. Higuchi, and S. Isomura Heteroepitaxial Growth of CuGaS2 Layers by Low-Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 31
1995-3 S. Chichibu, H. Nakanishi, and S. Shirakata Ultraviolet photoluminescence from CuAlS2 heteroepitaxial layers grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition Applied Physics Letters 66
1995-2 S. Chichibu, S. Shirakata, S. Isomura, Y. Harada, M. Uchida, S. Matsumoto, and H. Higuchi Photoluminescence studies in CuAlSe2 epilayers grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition Journal of Applied Physics 77
1995-1 S. Chichibu and A. Kamata Raman spectra of CuAlSe heteroepitaxial layers Journal of Applied Physics 77
1994-4 S. Chichibu, Y. Harada, M. Uchida, T. Wakiyama, S. Matsumoto, S. Shirakata, S. Isomura, and H. Higuchi Heteroepitaxy and characterization of CuGaSe2 layers grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition Journal of Applied Physics 76
1994-3 S. Chichibu, S. Shirakata, A. Ogawa, R. Sudo, M. Uchida, Y. Harada, T. Wakiyama, M. Shishikura, S. Matsumoto, and S. Isomura Growth of Cu(AlxGa1-x)SSe penternary alloy crystals by iodine chemical vapor transport method Journal of Crystal Growth 140
1994-2 S. Shirakata, S. Chichibu, S. Matsumoto, and S. Isomura Zn-related Donor-Acceptor Pair Emission in CuAlSe2 Epitaxial Layers Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 33
1994-1 S. Chichibu, R. Sudo, N. Yoshida, Y. Harada, M. Uchida, S. Matsumoto, and H. Higuchi Low-Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition of a CuGaSe2/CuAlSe2 Heterostructure Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 33
1993-10 S. Shirakata, S. Chichibu, S. Matsumoto, and S. Isomura Photoreflectance Characterization of CuAlSe2 Heteroepitaxial Layer Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Supplement 32-3

1993-9 A. Ogawa, R. Sudo, A. Gupta, S. Shirakata, S. Chichibu, S. Matsumoto, and S. Isomura Preparation and Characterization of Cu(Al,Ga)(S,Se)2 Penternary Alloys Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Supplment 32-3
1993-8 S. Chichibu, S. Shirakata, R. Sudo, M. Uchida, Y. Harada, S. Matsumoto, H. Higuchi, and S. Isomura 2.51eV Donor-Acceptor Pair Photoluminescence from Zn-doped CuAlSe2 Epilayer Grown by Low-Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Supplment 32-3
1993-7 S. Chichibu, S. Shirakata, R. Sudo, M. Uchida, Y. Harada, S. Matsumoto, H. Higuchi, and S. Isomura Low-Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition of CuAlSe2 Epitaxial Films Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Supplment 32-3
1993-6 S. Chichibu, S. Matsumoto, S. Shirakata, S. Isomura, and H. Higuchi Excitonic photoluminescence in a CuAlSe2 chalcopyrite semiconductor grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition Journal of Applied Physics 74
1993-5 S. Chichibu, S. Matsumoto, S. Shirakata, S. Isomura, and H. Higuchi 2.51 eV photoluminescence from Zn-doped CuAlSe2 epilayers grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition Applied Physics Letters 62
1993-4 S. Chichibu, S. Shirakata, A. Iwai, S. Matsumoto, H. Higuchi and S. Isomura CuAlSe2 chalcopyrite epitaxial layers grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition Journal of Crystal Growth 131
1993-3 S. Shirakata, S. Chichibu, R. Sudo, A. Ogawa, S. Matsumoto and S. Isomura Photoreflectance and Photoluminescence Studies of CuAlxGa1-xSe2 Alloys Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 32
1993-2 S. Chichibu, A. Iwai, S. Matsumoto and H. Higuchi LP-MOCVD growth of CuAlSe2 epitaxial layers Journal of Crystal Growth 126
1993-1 S. Shirakata, S. Chichibu, S. Matsumoto and S. Isomura Photoreflectance Study of CuAlSe2 Heteroepitaxial Layer Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 32
1991-1 S. Chichibu, M. Shishikura, J. Ino and S. Matsumoto Electrical and optical properties of CuAlSe2 grown by iodine chemical vapor transport Journal of Applied Physics 70

(b) Conferences

21. S. F. Chichibu, T. Ohmori, N. Shibata, T. Koyama, and T. Onuma:
"Fabrication of p-CuGaS2/n-ZnO:Al heterojunction light-emitting diode grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy and helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering methods",
The 14th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-14), Denver, CO, USA Sep.27-Oct.1, (2004), Session I: Growth of Multinary Compounds No.11:20 (oral).
20. M. Sugiyama, R. Nakai, H. Nakanishi, and SF. Chichibu:
"Interface Fermi level pinning in a Cu/p-CuGaS2 Schottly diode",
The 13th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-13), Paris, France Oct.14-16, (2002) O4-1 (poster)
19. SF. Chichibu, Y. Harada, M. Sugiyama, and H. Nakanishi:
"Metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy of Cu(AlxGa1-x)(SySe1-y)2 chalcopyrite semiconductors and their band offsets",
The 13th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-13), Paris, France Oct.14-16, (2002) O4-1 (Invited-oral)
18. S. Chichibu, S. Shirakata, M. Sugiyama, and H. Nakanishi:
"Ultraviolet Excitonic Photoluminescence from CuAlS2 Heteroepitaxial Films Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy",
The 2nd International Symposium on Blue Laser and Light Emitting Diodes, Chiba, Japan, Sep.29-Oct.2,1998, Th-P40 (poster): Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Blue Laser and Light Emitting Diodes (Ohmsha Ltd., Tokyo, 1998) pp.596-599.
17. A. Bauknecht, U. Blieske, J. Bruns, T. Kampschulte, M. Saad, S. Chichibu, and M. Ch. Lux-Steiner:
"Importance of the Interface Control for the Growth of High Quality CuGaSe2 Heteroepitaxial Layers using MOVPE",
The 11th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-11), Salford, United Kingdom Sep.8-12,1997. A10.3(oral); Institute of Physics Conference Series No.152 Section B P.269-272.
16. S. Shirakata, S. Chichibu, H. Miyake, S. Isomura, H. Nakanishi, and K. Sugiyama:
"Photoluminescence of CuGaSe2 and CuAlSe2 MOVPE Layers Grown on CuGa0.96In0.04Se2 Substrate",
The 11th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-11), Salford, United Kingdom Sep.8-12,1997. (poster) Institute of Physics Conference Series No.152 Section B: Thin Film Growth and Characterization PP.445-448
15. S. Chichibu, S. Shirakata, and H. Nakanishi:
"Metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy of Cu-III-VI2 widegap chalcopyrite semiconductors",
The 11th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-11), Salford, United Kingdom Sep.8-12,1997. (Invited-oral) Institute of Physics Conference Series No.152 Section B: Thin Film Growth and Characterization PP.257-260.
14. T. Kampschulte, J. Albert, A. Bauknecht, U. Blieske, S. Chichibu, M. Saad, and M. Ch. Lux-Steiner:
"Heteroepitaxial Growth of CuGaSe2 on GaAs",
7th European Workshop on Metal-Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy and Related Growth Techniques, Berlin, Germany, Jun.8-11, 1997.
13. S. Chichibu, S. Shirakata, S. Isomura, and H. Nakanishi:
"Visible and Ultraviolet Photoluminescence from Cu-III-VI2 Chalcopyrite Semiconductors Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy",
International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, Yokohama, Japan, Aug.26-29, 1996, PD-7(6), Extended Abstract pp.733-735.
12. M. Takahashi, A. Takahashi, R.T akei, N. Manba, H. Nakanishi, T. Irie, and S. Chichibu:
"Growth of ZnInGaS4 Single Crystals by Vertical Bridgman Method",
The 10th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-10), Stuttgart, Germany, Sep.18-22,1995. POII.42.
11. S. Chichibu, M. Takahashi, N. Manba, A. Takahashi, R. Takei, H. Nakanishi, and T. Irie:
"X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Analysis of CdS/CdInGaS4 Heterointerface",
The 10th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-10), Stuttgart, Germany, Sep.18-22,1995. POI.82.
10. T. Wakiyama, S. Matsumoto, and S. Chichibu:
"Crystal Growth of AgGaS2 by the Vertical Bridgman Method",
The 10th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-10), Stuttgart, Germany, Sep.18-22,1995. POI.43.
9. S. Shirakata, S. Chichibu, and S. Isomura:
"Photoluminescence of Heteroepitaxial CuGaS2 Layers",
The 10th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-10), Stuttgart, Germany Sep.18-22,1995. POI.13.
8. S. Chichibu, S. Shirakata, K. Haga, and H. Nakanishi:
"Low-Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Depiition of CuAlS2 Epilayers",
The 10th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-10), Stuttgart, Germany Sep.18-22,1995. 4A.1.
7. T. Azuhata, T. Terasako, K. Yoshida, T. Sota, K. Suzuki, and S. Chichibu:
"Lattice dynamics of CuAlS2 and CuAlSe2",
Phonons '95, Jul.24-28,1995. No.P41Th.
6. A. Ogawa, R. Sudo, A. Gupta, S. Shirakata, S. Chichibu, S. Matsumoto, and S. Isomura:
"Preparation and Characterization of Cu(Al,Ga)(S,Se)2 Penternary Alloys",
The 9th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-9) Yokohama, Japan Aug.8-12 1993.?12aP44.p.315.
5. S. Shirakata, S. Chichibu, S. Matsumoto, and S. Isomura:
"Photoreflectance Characterization of CuAlSe2 Heteroepitaxial Layer Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition",
The 9th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds(ICTMC-9) Yokohama, Japan Aug.8-12 1993.12pA2.p.348.
4. S. Chichibu, S. Shirakata, R. Sudo, M. Uchida, Y. Harada, S. Matsumoto, H. Higuchi and S. Isomura:
"2.51 eV Donor-Acceptor Pair Photoluminescence from Zn-Doped CuAlSe2 Epilayer Grown by LP-MOCVD",
The 9th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-9) Yokohama, Japan Aug.8-12 1993. 10pP18. p.129.
3. S. Chichibu, S. Shirakata, R. Sudo, M.Uchida, Y. Harada, S. Matsumoto, H. Higuchi and S. Isomura:
"LP-MOCVD of CuAlSe2 Epitaxial Films",
The 9th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-9) Yokohama, Japan Aug.8-12 1993. 10aA3. p.91.
2. S. Shirakata, S. Isomura, and S. Chichibu:
"Photoreflectance Characterization of Lattice Strain in Wide-Gap Cu-III-VI2 Epitaxial Layers",
International Symposium-R of The Materials Research Society of Japan, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-23,1996. RP37. Proceedings of MRS-J Symposium R; Novel Semiconductor Materials, edited by H.Oyanagi, (1996), pp.113-116. Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 20,pp.782-785(1996).
1. S. Chichibu, K. Yamaya, H. Nakanishi, S. Shirakata, and S. Isomura:
"Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy of CuAlxGa1-xSe2 Alloys",
International Symposium-R of The Materials Research Society of Japan, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-23,1996. RP10, Proceedings of MRS-J Symposium R; Novel Semiconductor Materials, edited by H.Oyanagi, (1996), pp.62-65; Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 20,pp.727-730(1996).
最終更新日 2015/7/3 4:33:9