Helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering methods

(a) Papers

Year Authors Title Journal Vol., Page Link
2020-1 K. Shima, K. Furusawa, and S. F. Chichibu Room-temperature cavity-polaritons in planar ZnO microcavities fabricated by a top-down process Applied Physics Letters 117
pp.071103 1-6
2016-1 S. F. Chichibu, K. Kojima, Y. Yamazaki, K. Furusawa, and A. Uedono Controlling the carrier lifetime of nearly threading-dislocation-free ZnO homoepitaxial films by 3d transition-metal doping Applied Physics Letters 108
pp.021904 1-5
2014-1 K. Furusawa, H. Nakasawa, Y. Ishikawa, and S. F. Chichibu Homoepitaxial growth of ZnO films with reduced impurity concentrations by helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy using a crystalline ZnO target prepared by hydrothermal technique Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 53(10)
pp.100301 1-4
2012-1 K. Hazu, T. Ohtomo, T. Nakayama, A. Tanaka, and S. F. Chichibu Lateral transport properties of Nb-doped rutile- and anatase-TiO2 films epitaxially grown on c-plane GaN Applied Physics Letters 101,
pp.072107 1-4
2011-2 A. Fouda, K. Hazu, T. Nakayama, A. Tanaka, and S. F. Chichibu Helicon-wave-excited- plasma sputtering epitaxy of Nb-doped TiO2 films on GaN Physica Status Solidi (c) 8 (2),
2011-1 A. Fouda, K. Hazu, M. Haemori, T. Nakayama, A. Tanaka, and S. F. Chichibu Transparent semiconducting Nb-doped anatase TiO2 films deposited by helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 29 (1),
pp.011017 1-6
Year Authors Title Journal Vol., Page Link
2010-2 Y. Sawai, K. Hazu, and S. F. Chichibu Surface stoichiometry and activity control for atomically smooth low dislocation density ZnO and pseudomorphic MgZnO epitaxy on a Zn-polar ZnO substrate by the helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy method Journal of Applied Physics 108,
063541 1-8
2010-1 K. Hazu, A. Fouda T. Nakayama, A. Tanaka, and S. F. Chichibu Crystal Phase-Selective Epitaxy of Rutile and Anatase Nb-doped TiO2 Films on a GaN Template by the Helicon-Wave-Excited-Plasma Sputtering Epitaxy Method Applied Physics Express 3 (9),
pp.091102 1-3
2009-4 T. Yamada, T. Miyanaga, T. Azuhata, T. Koyama, S. F. Chichibu, and Y. Kitajima Local Structural Study of Mg0.06Zn0.94O Film by Polarized XAFS e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 7,
2009-3 H. Amaike, K. Hazu, Y. Sawai, and S. F. Chichibu Helicon-Wave-Excited-Plasma Sputtering as an Expandable Epitaxy Method for Planar Semiconductor Thin Films Applied Physics Express 2 (10),
pp.105503 1-3
2009-2 S. Masaki, H. Nakanishi, M. Sugiyama, and S. F. Chichibu Ga-doped ZnO transparent conducting films prepared by helicon-wave-excited plasma sputtering Physica Status Solidi (c) 6,
2009-1 S. Takahata, K. Saiki, T. Imao, H. Nakanishi, M. Sugiyama, and S. F. Chichibu Fabrication of a n-type ZnO / p-type Cu-Al-O heterojunction diode by sputtering deposition methods Physica Status Solidi (c) 6,
2008-2 S. Masaki, H. Nakanishi, M. Sugiyama, and S. F. Chichibu Preparation of ZnO:Ga thin films by helicon-wave-excited plasma sputtering Physica Status Solidi (c) 5 (9),
2008-1 S. Takahata, T. Imao, H. Nakanishi, M. Sugiyama, and S. F. Chichibu Helicon-wave-excited plasma sputtering deposition of CuAlO2 thin films Physica Status Solidi (c) 5 (9),
2007-1 T. Koyama, A. N. Fouda, N. Shibata, and S. F. Chichibu Effects of the high-temperature-annealed self-buffer layer on the improved properties of ZnO epilayers grown by helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy on a-plane sapphire substrates Journal of Applied Physics 102,
pp.073505 1-4
2006-2 M. Sugiyama, A. Murayama, T. Imao, K. Saiki, H. Nakanishi, and S. F. Chichibu Helicon-wave-excited Plasma Sputtering Deposition of Ga-doped ZnO Transparent Conducting Films Physica Status Solidi (a) 203 (11),
2006-1 S. F. Chichibu, T. Ohmori, N. Shibata, and T. Koyama Dielectric SiO2 /ZrO2 distributed Bragg reflectors for ZnO microcavities prepared by the reactive helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering method Applied Physics Letters 88,
pp.161914 1-3
2005-1 S. F. Chichibu, T. Ohmori, N. Shibata, T. Koyama, and T. Onuma Fabrication of p-CuGaS2/n-ZnO:Al heterojunction light-emitting diode grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy and helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering methods Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 66,
2004-3 S. F. Chichibu, T. Ohmori, N. Shibata, T. Koyama, and T. Onuma Greenish-white electroluminescence from p-type CuGaS2 heterojunction diodes using n-type ZnO as an electron injector Applied Physics Letters 85,
2004-2 T. Koyama, T. Ohmori, N. Shibata, T. Onuma, and S. F. Chichibu In situ monitoring of Zn* and Mg* species during helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy of ZnO and Mg0.06Zn0.94O films Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 22,
2004-1 T. Koyama, and S. F. Chichibu Importance of lattice matching and surface arrangement for the helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy of ZnO Journal of Applied Physics 95,
2003 T. Koyama, T. Onuma, and S. F. Chichibu In situ spectral control of Zn species during helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy of ZnO Applied Physics Letters 83,
2002 S. F. Chichibu, T. Yoshida, T. Onuma, and H. Nakanishi Helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy of ZnO on sapphire (0001) substrates Journal of Applied Physics 91,
Year Authors Title Journal Vol., Page Link
1998 K. Yamaya, Y. Yamaki, H. Nakanishi, and S. F. Chichibu Use of a helicon-wave excited plasma for aluminum-doped ZnO thin-film sputtering Applied Physics Letters 72,

(b) Conferences

31. K. Shima, K. Furusawa, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Room-temperature cavity-polaritons in planar ZnO microcavities fabricated via a top-down process using bulk ZnO single crystals",
11th International Workshop on Semiconductor Oxides (IWSO-2025), Arizona State University, Arizona, USA, March 2-6 (2025), Mar. 5th Session 2-4 (oral).
30. K. Shima, K. Furusawa, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Room-temperature cavity-polaritons in planar ZnO microcavities fabricated by a top-down process",
The 3rd International Workshop on Materials Science and Advanced Electronics Created by Singularity (IWSingularity 2022) & The 2nd International Symposium on Wide Gap Semiconductor Growth, Process and Device Simulation (ISWGPDs 2022), Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Japan, Jan.11-13 (2022), No.S-I18, Hybrid Conference (Invited-oral).
29. S. F. Chichibu:
"Helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy of (001) anatase or (100) rutile TiO2 films on a (0001) GaN template for optoelectronic applications",
The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Photonics West 2019, OPTO, Oxide-based Materials and Devices X, Session 5 Ultra Wide Bandgap Oxide Semiconductors: Progress in Thin Film Growth I San Francisco, USA, Feb.2-7, (2019), No.10919-10 (Invited-oral).
28. K. Shima, T. Kasuya, K. Furusawa, K. Kojima, and S. F. Chichibu:
"A comparative study on SiO2/ZrO2 and SiO2/HfO2 distributed Bragg reflectors for ZnO-based microcavities",
The 10th International Workshop on ZnO and Other Oxide Semiconductors (IWZnO2018), Warsaw, Poland, Sep.11-14, (2018), No.ThO_7.6 (oral).
27. T. Kasuya, K. Shima, K. Kojima, K. Furusawa, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Fabrication of a ZnO-based microcavity using the reactive helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering method",
The 10th International Workshop on ZnO and Other Oxide Semiconductors (IWZnO2018), Warsaw, Poland, Sep.11-14, (2018), No.ThO_7.3 (oral).
26. S. F. Chichibu, K. Kojima, Y. Yamazaki, K. Furusawa, and A. Uedono:
"Carrier Lifetime Control of Nearly Dislocation-free ZnO Homoepitaxial Films by 3d Transition-metal Doping",
The 9th International Workshop on ZnO and Related Materials (IWZnO2016), Taipei, Taiwan, Oct.30-Nov.2, (2016), Session TD: Characterizations and Theories IV, No.TD1 (oral).
25. S. F. Chichibu, K. Kojima, Y. Yamazaki, K. Furusawa, and A. Uedono:
"Carrier Lifetime Control of Nearly Dislocation-free ZnO Homoepitaxial Films by 3d Transition-metal Doping,
17th International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures (PLMCN17), Nara, Japan, Mar. 28-31 (2016), No. Tu4 (oral).
24. S. F. Chichibu, S. Iwahashi, Y. Yamazaki, K. Kojima, K. Furusawa, and A. Uedono:
"Controlling the minority carrier lifetime of ZnO epitaxial thin films by transition metal doping",
European Materials Research Society, 2015 Spring Meeting, Symposium N: Synthesis, processing and characterization of nanoscale multi functional oxide films V, Grand Palais, Lille, France, May.11-15 (2015) No. N-VII-1 (Invited-oral).
23. S. Iwahashi, K. Furusawa, Y. Yamazaki, K. Kojima, A. Uedono, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Homoepitaxy of ZnO films of reduced donor concentrations by the helicon- wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy method using a ZnO target prepared by hydrothermal technique",
European Materials Research Society, 2015 Spring Meeting, Symposium N: Synthesis, processing and characterization of nanoscale multi functional oxide films V, Grand Palais, Lille, France, May.11-15 (2015) No. N-V-3 (oral).
22. S. F. Chichibu:
"Helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy of Zn-polar (Mg,Zn)O and (001) anatase / (100) rutile TiO2 films for optoelectronic applications",
Materials Research Society, 2015 Spring Meeting, Symposium SS: Oxide thin films for advanced electrical, optical and magnetic applications, San Francisco, CA, USA, Apr.6-10 (2015) No. SS18.01 (Invited-oral).
21. S. F. Chichibu, K. Hazu, T. Ohtomo, Y. Ishikawa, K. Furusawa, and T. Nakayama:
"Transport and emission properties of Nb-doped n++-type (001) anatase-TiO2 / Mg-doped p-type (0001) GaN heteroepitaxial structures",
The 10th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-10), Washington, DC, USA, Aug.27 (2013), No.BP2.15 (poster).
20, K. Hazu, T. Ohtomo, T. Nakayama, A. Tanaka, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Band alignments and lateral transport properties of Nb-doped (100) rutile- and (001) anatase-TiO2 / (0001) GaN heteroepitaxial structures",
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2012 (IWN2012), Sapporo, Japan Oct.14-19 (2012), Session OD4 (UV-LED II / Physics), No. OD4-3 (oral).
19, K. Hazu, A. N. Fouda, M. Haemori, T. Nakayama, A. Tanaka, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Crystal phase-selective epitaxy of rutile and anatase Nb-doped TiO2 films on a GaN template by the helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy",
The 9th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-9), Glasgow, UK, Jul.10-15 (2011), No. B9.4 (oral).
18. T. Yamada, T. Miyanaga, T. Azuhata, T. Koyama, S. F. Chichibu, and Y. Kitajima:
"Local structure study of Mg0.06Zn0.94O film by polarized XAFS",
The 5th International Symposium on Surface Science and Nanotechnology (ISSS-5), Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 9-13 (2008), No.10p-p-45 (poster).
17. S. F. Chichibu, A. N. Fouda T. Nakayama, A. Tanaka, and K. Hazu:
"Helicon-Wave-Excited-Plasma Sputtering Epitaxy of Nb-doped TiO2 films on GaN",
The 37th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS 2010), Kagawa, Japan, May 31-Jun. 4 (2010), No.WeD2-7 (oral).
16. A. N. Fouda, K. Hazu, T. Nakayama, A. Tanaka, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Deposition of Anatase Nb-doped TiO2 Thin Films on Glass Substrates by Helicon-Wave-Excited-Plasma Sputtering method",
The 37th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS 2010), Kagawa, Japan, May 31-Jun. 4 (2010), No.MoP48 (poster).
15. Y. Sawai, H. Amaike, K. Hazu, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Observation of exciton-polariton emissions from ZnO epilayers grown by helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy",
The 36th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS 2009), Santa Barbara, CA, USA, Aug.30-Sep.2 (2009), No.8.5 (oral).
14. Y. Sawai, H. Amaike, T. Onuma, K. Hazu, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Longitudinal-transverse splitting of A-excitons in ZnO homoepitaxial films grown by HWPSE method",
9th International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures (PLMCN9), Lecce, Italy, Apr. 16-20 (2009), No. MoA1-2 (oral).
13. H. Amaike, Y. Sawai, K. Hazu, T. Onuma, T. Koyama, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy of ZnO on GaN templates and bulk ZnO substrates",
The 5th International Workshop on ZnO and Related Materials, Michigan, USA, Sep. 22-24, (2008), No.AP24 (poster).
12. S. Masaki, N. Obara, H. Kimura, H. Nakanishi, M. Sugiyama, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Preparation of Ga-doped ZnO transparent conducting films by helicon-wave-excited plasma sputtering",
The 16th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-16), Berlin, Germany, Sep. 15-19, (2008), No.7 (oral).
11. S. Takahata, T. Imao, K. Saiki, H. Nakanishi, M. Sugiyama, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Helicon-wave-excited plasma sputtering and RF sputtering depositions of CuAlO2 thin films",
The 16th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-16), Berlin, Germany, Sep. 15-19, (2008), No.11 (oral).
10. S.Masaki, H.Nakanishi, M.Sugiyama, and S.F.Chichibu:
"Preparation of ZnO:Ga thin films by helicon-wave-excited plasma sputtering method"
The 34th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS 2007), Kyoto, Japan, Oct.15-18 (2007), CATEGORY 8. Oxide semiconductors No. ThB II-4 (oral).
9. S. Takahata, T. Imao, H. Nakanishi, M. Sugiyama, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Helicon-wave-excited plasma sputtering deposition of CuAlO2 thin films"
The 34th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS 2007), Kyoto, Japan, Oct.15-18 (2007), CATEGORY 8. Oxide semiconductors No. MoC P39 (poster).
8. S. F. Chichibu, N. Shibata, A. N. Fouda, T. Iijima, and T. Koyama:
"Exciton-polariton emissions from ZnO epilayers grown by helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy on a-plane sapphire using high-temperature-annealed self-buffer layers"
The 4th International Workshop on ZnO and Related Materials, Giessen, Germany, Oct.3-6, (2006), Session I, No.Growth.I,3 (oral).
7. S. F. Chichibu, N. Shibata, and T. Koyama:
"Observation of exciton-polariton emissions in ZnO epilayers grown by helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy on a-face of sapphire using high-temperature-annealed ZnO self-buffer layer"
The 6th International Symposium on Blue Laser and Light Emitting Diodes (ISBLLED 2006), Montpellier, France, May.15-19, (2006), No.B2.04 (oral).
6. A. Murayama, T. Imao, K. Saiki, H. Nakanishi, M. Sugiyama and S. F. Chichibu:
"Helicon-Wave-Excited-Plasma Sputtering Deposition of Ga-doped ZnO Transparent Conducting Films for CIS-based Solar Cell Application"
The 15th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-15), Kyoto, Japan Mar. 6-10, (2006); No. Fri-O-3B (oral).
5. N. Shibata, T. Ohmori, T. Koyama, T. Onuma, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Growth of atomically-flat ZnO and related alloy films by helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy method",
47th Electronic Materials Conference (EMC-47), Santa Barbara, California, USA, Jun.22-24 (2005), No. EE5 (oral).
4. S. F. Chichibu, T. Ohmori, N. Shibata, T. Koyama and T. Onuma:
"Fabrication of p-CuGaS2/n-ZnO:Al heterojunction light-emitting diode grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy and helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering methods"
The 14th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-14), Denver, CO, USA Sep.27-Oct.1, (2004), Session I: Growth of Multinary Compounds No.11:20 (oral).
3. T. Koyama, T. Ohmori, N. Shibata, T. Onuma and S. F. Chichibu:
"Atomically flat ZnO and MgxZn1-xO epitaxial films prepared by helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy"
The 3rd International Workshop on ZnO and Related Materials, Sendai, Japan, Oct.5-8, (2004), Session P1-50 (poster).
2. T. Koyama and S. F. Chichibu:
"Effects of lattice-mismatch and surface arrangement on the epilayer qualities of ZnO grown by helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy"
31th Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces (PCSI-31), Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA, Jan.18-22, SESSION: NOVEL MATERIALS AND CHARACTERIZATION TECHNIQUES (2004) No.Tu1905 (oral & poster).
1. Y. Yamaki, K. Yamaya, H. Araya, H. Nakanishi and S. F. Chichibu:
"Preparation of Aluminium-Doped ZnO Films by Helicon-Wave Excited Plasma Sputtering",
The 2nd International Symposium on Blue Laser and Light Emitting Diodes, Chiba, Japan, Sep.29-Oct.2,1998, Tu-09 (Oral): Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Blue Laser and Light Emitting Diodes (Ohmsha Ltd, Tokyo, 1998)pp.48-51.
最終更新日 2025/3/6 1:10:49