2021/3/1-3/3 CGCT8@online

オンラインで開催されたThe 8th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT)に参加しました。


講演番号 発表者 タイトル
No.C10-10-57 Cathodoluminescence studies of AlN epilayers grown by MOVPE on sputtered AlN templates annealed at high temperature
No.C10-10-56 Macroscopically homogeneous cathodoluminescence mapping images of c-plane nearly lattice-matched Al1-xInxN films on a GaN substrate
No.C10-03-13 上殿
Vacancies in AlN deposited by radio-frequency sputtering and MOVPE studied by positron annihilation spectroscopy
No.C10-02-07 秩父 Striped and fin-shaped cation orderings and self-formed compositional superlattices in an m-plane Al0.7In0.3N on GaN heterostructure
No.C07-02-08 Schimmel
Evaluation of realistic boundary conditions for simulations of ammonothermal GaN crystal growth


最終更新日 2021/4/17 13:23:43