秩父研及び共同研究機関からは、秩父教授によるPlenary Talkを含む計8件の発表を行いました。
また、高島氏による発表がBest Poster Awardを獲得しました!
講演番号 | 発表者 | タイトル |
No.PL02.02 (Plenary) |
秩父 | Impact of vacancy complexes on the nonradiative recombination processes in III-N devices |
No.A01.06 (Oral) |
長澤 (創光科学) |
Microscopic nonuniformities in AlGaN-based 260 and 285 nm light-emitting multiple quantum wells grown on AlN templates with dense macrosteps analyzed by cathodoluminescence spectroscopy |
No.F01.02 (Oral) |
冨田 (東北大) |
Effects of an extra Al metal added during the acidic ammonothermal growth of GaN crystals |
No.BP01.30 (Poster) |
高島 (富士電機) |
Evaluation of Subsequent Implantation Effect into Mg Implanted Region in GaN [Best Poster Award] |
No.JP02.03 (Poster) |
浅井 (産総研) |
Analytical formula for quantum efficiency of radiation considering self-absorption process |
No.E01.04 (Oral) |
嶋 | Photoluminescence studies of sequentially Mg and H ion-implanted GaN with various implantation depths and crystallographic planes |
No.G08.06 (Oral) |
小島 | Dependences of external quantum efficiency of radiation and photoluminescence lifetime on the carbon concentration in GaN on GaN structures |
No.A10.06 (Oral) |
秩父 | Time-resolved luminescence studies of indirect excitons in h-BN epitaxial films grown by chemical vapor deposition using carbon-free precursors |
Best Poster Award授賞式の様子