[11/25] An-Pang Tsai Memorial Ceremony

2019年5月25日に逝去された 故 蔡安邦先生を偲ぶ会を、記念シンポジウム “An-Pang Tsai Memorial Joint Symposium of Taipei Tech and Tohoku University” 会期中の2019年11月25日(月)16時30分より東北大学 片平さくらホールにおいて執り行います。式典に続いて会食も予定しています。
問合せ先: taipei-tohoku2019*grp.tohoku.ac.jp(*を@に置き換えてください)

In honor of Professor An Pang Tsai who passed away on May 25, a Memorial Ceremony will be held on Monday, November 25, 2019 at Sakura Hall, Tohoku University. For attending the memorial ceremony and dinner, please register via online in advance.
 *The Ceremony will be conducted in Japanese.
 *Deadline: November 15th, Friday
 *The dinner costs 5,000 JPY per person.
 *On-site registration at the venue is also accepted for the memorial ceremony, but only a limited number of extra seats may be allowed for the dinner on the day.
Contact: Organizing Committee (E-mail: taipei-tohoku2019[at]grp.tohoku.ac.jp)

 開催日|Date  2019年11月25日(月)|Monday, November 25, 2019
 式典|Memorial Ceremony  4:30p.m.~
 会食|Memorial Dinner  6:00p.m.~
  *The dinner costs 5,000 JPY per person.
 会場|Venue  東北大学片平さくらホール|Tohoku University Katahira Sakura Hall 
 申し込み〆切|Registration Deadline   2019年11月15日(金)|Friday, 15th November, 2019

*The Ceremony will be conducted in Japanese.


Organizing Committee:
E-mail: taipei-tohoku2019[at]grp.tohoku.ac.jp