• ssid[at]res.tagen.tohoku.ac.jp

(仙台, December 4th-5th 2017)体験記 (Writer:Gao)

Hello, I am Gao, a M2 student of Amazawa Lab.
Last month, I got an opportunity to take part in the symposium of IMRAM, poster presentation.
Even I already taken part in many conferences for oral presentation, this time was the first for me to have a poster presentation, in this conference, not only battery researcher, but also researchers from other field about function materials, communed their research and achievement. Even everyone have their own theme of research and which are quite different from my research, but I still learnt a lot useful knowledge, for example, some tips about how to observe the micro surface and simulation the lattice change.
And during this symposium, I had my first poster presentation. Because my poster is in English, most audiences are professors, they had many difficult questions, I need to explain all the details, and these exercised me a lot. At least, I will appreciate for your reading, and appreciate Amezawa Lab who gave me this fantastic experience, thanks very much.

Gao Hongze