[7/26] Tohoku-Tsinghua Joint Workshop on Materials and Spintronics Sciences

Date and Time:July 26, 2018, 13:00-
Venue: Westin Hotel Sendai

Opening Remarks and Keynote Speeches: 2nd floor, Room “Suzume”
Moderator: Prof. Susumu Ikeda, AIMR, Tohoku University
13:00 Opening Remark: Welcome speech
Prof. Yoshiro Hirayama, Tohoku University(Graduate School of Science)
13:05 Opening Remark: Welcome speech
Prof. Wei Pan, Tsinghua University(School of Materials Science and Engineering)
13:10 Keynote Speech: Advanced Hydride Research for Energy Device Application
Prof. Shin-ichi Orimo, Tohoku University(AIMR/IMR)
13:35 Keynote Speech: Searching for intrinsic magnetic insulator materials
Prof. Ke He, Tsinghua University(Department of Physics)
14:00 10 min break: separated into two parallel sessions
Parallel Session 1: Novel Electronic Materials and Spintronics @Room on the 3rd floor
Moderator: Prof. Yoshiro Hirayama, Grad. Sch. Science, Tohoku University
14:10 Dynamics of skyrmions driven by spin currents and thermal fluctuations
Prof. Wanjun Jiang, Tsinghua University(Dept. Physics)
14:30 Gate Tuning of Spin Phases in Aharonov-Casher spin interferometers
Prof. Junsaku Nitta, Tohoku University(Sch. Engineering)
14:50 Band structure engineering of quasicrystalline 30 degree twisted bilayer graphene
Prof. Shuyun Zhou, Tsinghua University(Dept. Physics)
15:10 Electronic structure of novel topological superconductor candidates
Prof. Takafumi Sato, Tohoku University(Grad. Sch. Science)
15:30 LSPR and SERS with silver nanostructures
Prof. Zhengjun Zhang, Tsinghua University(School of MSE)
15:50 Coffee Break
Moderator: Prof. Junsaku Nitta, Sch. Engineering, Tohoku University
16:10 Growth and characterization of semiconducting carbon nanotubes for nanoelectronics
Prof. Kaili Jiang, Tsinghua University(Dept. Physics)
16:30 Mass production of graphene and two-dimensional materials
Prof. Bilu Liu, Tsinghua University(Grad. Sch. at Shenzhen)
16:50 Scanning nuclear resonance imaging of a hyperfine-coupled quantum Hall system
Dr. Katsushi Hashimoto, Tohoku University(Grad. Sch. Science)
17:10 A new approach to measure the diffusion of oxygen in solid oxides
Prof. Wei Pan, Tsinghua University(School of MSE)
17:30 Angular dependence of magnetoresistance in antiferromagnet-nonmagnet bilayer structure
Dr. Samik DuttaGupta, Tohoku University(CSRN/WLRCS)
17:50 Electric field control of magnetism through ionic evolution
Prof. Pu Yu, Tsinghua University(Dept. Physics)
Parallel Session 2: A New Stream of Structural and Functional Materials @Room on the 25th floor
Moderator: Prof. Kyosuke Yoshimi, Sch. Engineering, Tohoku University
14:10 High-entropy alloys
Prof. Kefu Yao, Tsinghua University(School of MSE)
14:30 Hydrogen embrittlement of high strength steels
Prof. Eiji Akiyama, Tohoku University(IMR)
14:50 Proactive lifetime management of nuclear energy systems
Prof. Zhengcao Li, Tsinghua University(School of MSE)
15:10 Preparation of novel catalytic materials based on metallurgy
Prof. Satoshi Kameoka, Tohoku University(IMRAM)
15:30 Active sites for urea conversion over Cu-SAPO-34 SCR catalysts
Prof. Xiaodong Wu, Tsinghua University(School of MSE)
15:50 Coffee Break
Moderator: Prof. Akira Kawasaki, Sch. Engineering, Tohoku University
16:10 CZTS thin film solar cells
Prof. Ming Zhao, Tsinghua University(School of MSE)
16:30 Stable lipid bilayers as a drug screening platform for ion channel proteins
Prof. Ayumi Hirano, Tohoku University(AIMR/RIEC)
16:50 New thermoelectric materials
Prof. Jingfeng Li, Tsinghua University(School of MSE)
17:10 Proton-conducting oxides for IT-SOFC
Prof. Hitoshi Takamura, Tohoku University(Sch. Engineering)
17:30 Temperature-insensitive lead-free piezoceramics
Prof. Ke Wang, Tsinghua University(School of MSE)
18:30 Dinner(Poster presentation) @2nd floor, Room “Suzume”
Prof. Hiroshi Suito, AIMR, Tohoku University
Prof. Hiroshi Yabu, AIMR, Tohoku University
Prof. Rie Y. Umetsu, IMR, Tohoku University
Dr. Yongjie Zhang, IMR, Tohoku University
Dr. Hiroaki Kobayashi, IMRAM, Tohoku University
Mr. Masahiro Kanno (Yamane Lab D3), IMRAM, Tohoku University
Prof. Nobuaki Sekido, School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Mr. Hezhang Li (Miyazaki Lab M2), School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Prof. Makoto Kohda, School of Engineering, Tohoku University (Spintronics Core Research Cluster)
Prof. Kazuo Takimiya, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
Dr. Yusuke Sato, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
Mr. Wang Yihao (Hirayama Lab D1), Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University (Spintronics Core Research Cluster)