[4/9] Seminar by Prof. Deborah Fass “Physiological Functions of QSOX1, a Golgi and Secreted Catalyst of Disulfide Bond Formation”

Date: Monday, April 9th, 2018, 15:00pm-
Venue: Seminar Room at IMRAM Est Building 2, 2F, Katahira Campus, Tohoku University

Lecturer: Prof. Edward Van Keuren
(Department of Physics and Institute for Soft Matter Synthesis and Metrology Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA)

Title: “Formation of multicomponent nanoparticles in solution”

The controlled synthesis of nanoparticles in solution is a critical industrial process as well as a fascinating area of fundamental research. Many solution based methods of synthesizing nanoparticle involve the growth of solid nanoparticles from molecular precursors and so are connected to areas such as solution crystallization, molecular self-assembly and liquid-solid phase transitions. A main theme in my lab is the formation of multicomponent nanomaterials from solutions. I will talk about two types of systems that we are looking at polymer blends and charge transfer crystals. Polymer blend nanoparticles formed with this method are interesting because of the added complexity of the glass transition affecting the growth, as well as the polymer- polymer phase separation that may occur. We are also developing a number of charge transfer crystals which have optical and electronic properties that make them of particular interest for organic electronics.



Prof. Oikawa, IMRAM, Tohoku University