2007/10/15-18 The 34th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (iscs2007)


講演番号 発表者 タイトル
MoC P39 高畑(東京理科大・東北大)(Poster) Helicon-wave-excited plasma sputtering deposition of CuAlO2 thin films
WeA I-3 秩父 (Oral) Correlation between the violet luminescence intensity and defect density in AlN epilayers grown by NH3 source molecular beam epitaxy
ThA II-1 岡本(ローム・東北大)(Invited-oral) Present status of LEDs and LDs based on m-plane Gallium Nitride
ThB II-4 政木(東京理科大・東北大)(Oral) Preparation of ZnO:Ga thin films by helicon-wave-excited plasma sputtering method



最終更新日 2015/1/26 1:21:34