Papers・Review・Chapter /論文・総説

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/論文・総説                                   Research (2016.4~)へ戻る


Original Papers & Review Papers(until 2016、約400報Sato-Lab Website を参照

Original Papers & Review Papers (From 2016.4, Yin-Lab, 145+26 =171報 (2023.3.22))

※: 東北大学 材料科学高等研究所(WPI-AIMR)


Ranked #108 in Japan and #1938 in the world (Research com. 2023)

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World’s Best Materials Science Scientists: H-Index Materials Science Ranking 2023 |



Book Chapter/Review papers  (2025)  (3報)  

  1. (Open Access,  Review Paper) V.R. Ananda, F. N. Ramadhan, A. M. Kautsari, T. Amrillah, A. Hermawan, Y. Yulizar, J. Gunlazuardi, T. Sekino, S-I. Orimo, and S. Yin*, Powder Engineering of MXene-based Heterojunction Materials for Photocatalysis and Gas Sensor Applications, Adv. Powder Technol. 36, 104789, 2025, DOI:, IF=4.2
  2. (Open Access, Review Paper) Z.Gu, X. Wang, H. Liu, H. Hao, C. Liu,M. Jin, R. Yang, E.Zhou, L.Liu, and S. Yin*, Recent progress in crystalline carbon nitride-based photocatalysts for energy conversion and environmental remediation, J.Environ.Chem.Eng.,13, 115802,2025 IF=7.4, DOI:
  3. (Review) S.Yin*※, Y.Xue, A.Okawa, T.Hasegawa, Cerium Oxide Based Rare Earth Materials and their Novel Applications., Journal of the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan, 2025, accepted.

Original Papers(2025)   (10報)   

  1. (Open Access, Cover image: Frontispiece) L. Miao, P. Song, Y. Xue, Z. Hou, T. Hasegawa, A. Okawa, T. Goto, Y. Seo, R. Maezono, T. Sekino, S. Yin*, Novel Selectivity: Target of Gas Sensing Defined by Behavior, Adv. Mater., 37, 2413023, 2025  DOI: 10.1002/adma.202413023  IF=27.4, (プレスリリース複数)
  2. H,Liu, T. Xu; H. Liu; L. Miao; W. Liu; J. Cheng*; S.Yin*,; C. Wang; J. Zhao, Co-BDC/Ti3C2Tx gas sensor for rapid detection of triethylamine at low temperatures, Sensors & Actuators B : Chem., 423136738, 2025, IF=8.0, DOI:
  3. A.Taufik, L. Miao, T. Hasegawa, Y. Asakura, S. Yin , Surface facet engineering of ZnIn2S4 via supercritical hydrothermal synthesis for enhanced NO gas sensing performance, Applied Surface Science, 684, 161845, 2025, IF=6.3, DOI:
  4. (Open Access)Q.Cheng, Y.Xue, T.Hasegawa, A.Okawa, K.Kushimoto, J.Kano, T.Sekino, S.Yin*,, Synthesis of Novel Colored Substrate-free Pearlescent Pigments of Vanadium Phosphates with Large-size Layered Platelet Morphology, J.Alloy. Compound. 1010, 177735, 2025, DOI:, IF=5.8(プレスリリース複数)
  5. (Open Access) L. Miao, Y. Xue, P. Song, T. Hasegawa, A. Okawa, R. Maezono, T. Sekino, S. Yin*,. Modulation of inversion sensing behavior of VO2(M1) from negative to positive by W/Mo/Cr doping, ACS Sensors, 10, 526-536,, 2025, , DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.4c03006, IF=8.3(プレスリリース複数)
  6. A.Taufik*, R.Saleh, T.Sekino, S.Yin*,※, Mid-Gap States Induced by Sulfur Substitution in ZnO Nanoparticle via Low Solvothermal Temperature for Enhanced Photocatalytic NOx Removal under Visible Light Irradiation  , Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing.89, 109299, 2025. IF=4.2
  7. Liu, J.Chen,B Ren,W.Liu ,B.Li* ,S.Yin, Investigation on the effect of CA6 refractory on the cleanliness of aluminum deoxidation steel, Mater. Today Commun. 44, 111861, 2025, DOI:, IF=3.7,
  8. Sulaema, D.A. Rahma W.Putri, R. Larasati, E. V. Y. Delsy, I. Isnaeni, S. Yin, Incorporation of iodine on Ag3PO4 under Nigella sativa seed extract for enhanced photocatalytic activity, Solid State Sciences, 2025, 107836, DOI:,
  9. (Open Access) Q.Cheng, Z.Wang, A.Okawa, T. Hasegawa, Y.Hayashi, T.Sekino, S.Yin*,, Optical Properties of Cobalt/Nickel Doped SrAl12O19 Blue Inorganic Pigments and Their Application in 3YSZ Ceramics, Solid State Sciences .162, 107859, 2025. IF=3.4
  10. (Open Access) Q. Cheng, Z.Wang, A. Okawa, T. Hasegawa, Y. Hayashi, T. Sekino, Shu Yin, Optical Properties of Cobalt/Nickel Doped SrAl12O19 Blue Inorganic Pigments and Their Application in 3YSZ Ceramics, J Alloy Compound. 1020, 179402, 2025, DOI: , IF=5.8.
  11. A.Hermawan*, N. L. W. Septiani, Muqoyyanah, S. N. Steinmann, B. Yuliarto, S. Yin, Achieving High-Performance NO2 Sensors via Vertically-Aligned Ti3C2Tx Nanoarchitectures, Sens. Actuators B: Chem., 433, 138509, 2025, DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2025.137509, IF=8.0.

Book Chapter/Review papers  (2024)  (4 報)  

1. (Book Chapter)殷澍*、in 「【CSJカレントレビュー第49号】固体材料開発のフロンティア:熱力学的支配を超える物質合成と新機能開拓を目指して」、第4章「水熱・ソルボサーマル反応場を用いた機能性ナノ材料の合成」、p50-57, 日本化学会編、化学同人、ISBN978-4-7598-1409-5, 2024年3月31日

2. Shu YIN*; Takuya Hasegawa, Featured Articles 2024 of “KONA Powder and Particle Journal”(Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation): “Harnessing Morphological Control: Liquid-Phase Synthesis of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) for Advanced Material Engineering”, Promotion Data of “Morphology Control of Transition Metal Oxides by Liquid-Phase Process and Their Material Development”.

Harnessing Morphological Control: Liquid-Phase Synthesis of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) for Advanced Material Engineering (

3.Open Access, ReviewY.Xing, B. Ren, B. Li*, J. Chen*, S. Yin, H. Lin, J. Liu, H. Chen, Principles and Methods for Improving the Thermoelectric Performance of SiC: A Potential High-Temperature Thermoelectric Material、Materials, 2024、17、3036、DOI: 3390/ma17153636

4. (解説フロンティア研究シリーズ)長谷川 拓哉,野田 紗伽,大川 采久,殷 澍、希土類層状モリブデン酸蛍光体の粒子形態・配向性制御、粉体工学会誌(Journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan),61, 687-693, 2024, DOI: 10.4164/sptj.61.687


Others (2024)  (2 報)  

1. (巻頭言)殷 澍、無機リン化学及び無機リン化合物の新規機能性開拓について考える、Thinking about Inorganic Phosphorus Chemistry and the Development of Novel Functionality of Inorganic Phosphorus Compounds、PHOSPHORUS LETTER, No.109, 1-3, 2024.

2. 研究室紹介:東北大学多元物質科学研究所環境無機材料科学研究分野殷研究室、粉体技術、16, No.6, 500-501, 2024.


Original Papers(2024)   (21報)   

  1. Nakashima*, S.Misawa, Y.Kobayashi, T.Ishigaki, Y.Ishikawa, S.Yin, M.Kakihana, T.Goto, and T.Sekino. Atomic arrangement analysis and crystal growth mechanism of HAp nanocrystal synthesized from amorphous calcium phosphate, J.Am. Ceram. Soc., 107, 2809-2822, 2024, IF=3.9, DOI: 10.1111/jace.19631
  2. Y. Sato*, J. Odahara, R. Yanamoto, S. Noda, T.Hasegawa, S.Yin, J.Jia, M. Kakihana, Control of the emission and excitation energies in Pr3+-activated perovskite oxide–oxynitrides by bandgap engineering, Chem. Mater., 36, 313-323, 2024, IF=10.508, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c02119
  3. Uyi Sulaeman, Muhammad Habibullah Galih Tri Aji, Rini Larasati, Hartiwi Diastuti, Ponco Iswanto, Isnaeni Isnaeni, Shu Yin, Surface engineering of Ag3PO4 using lithium iodide for enhanced photocatalytic activity, Surfaces and Interfaces,46, 104097, 2024, IF=4.837, DOI:
  4. Open Access) Y.Xue, L. Miao, T. Hasegawa, A. Okawa, S. Yoshino, H. Kato, M. Kakihana, S. Yin*,※, Uncovering the Distinctive Phase Transition Characteristics and Thermochromic Performance of VO2 with Different N-Doping Sites, Appl. Sur. Sci., 657, 159779 , 2024. IF=6.7, DOI:
  5. T. Hangai, T.Hasegawa*, J.Xu,T. Nakanishi, T.Takeda, K. Nakano, K. Hongo, R. Maezono, T. Goto, Y. Sato, A.Okawa, S. Yin, Key Role of Metal-to-Metal Charge Transfer Transition between Mo6+ and Bi3+ for Enhancement in NIR Luminescence of Gd2MoO6:Bi,Yb Nanophosphor, J. Phys. Chem. C., 128, 3351-3360, 2024,IF=3.7
  6. Uyi Sulaeman*, Rini Larasati, Dea Ajeng Rahma Winarto Putri, Dadan Hermawan, Ari Asnani , Isnaeni Isnaeni, Shu Yin※, Design of defective silver phosphate photocatalyst using Nigella sativa seed aqueous extract for enhanced photocatalytic activity, Chem. Commun., 163,112368, 2024, IF=3.8, DOI:
  7. S. NODA, T. HASEGAWA*, T. Goto, Y.Sato, A. OKAWA, S. YIN※, Acquisition of emissive single crystalline AEu(MoO4)2 (A = Na, K, Rb, and Cs) double molybdates by one-pot hydrothermal synthesis: Relationship between particle morphology and luminescence properties, Crystal Growth & Design, 24,3517-3526, 2024, IF=4.076, DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.4c00332
  8. T. Hasegawa*, Y. Kanaoka, S. Noda, A. Okawa, S. Yin, Photoluminescence /Optical -absorption modulation of layered lanthanide molybdates for chemical sensing of reductive materials, Chem. Lett., 53,upad005, IF=1.715, DOI: 10.1093/chemle/upad005
  9. T. Hasegawa*, S. Noda, W. Hikita, K. Toda, A. Okawa and S. Yin, Elucidation of Structural Features and Photoluminescence Properties for Hydrothermally-synthesized γ-KEu(MoO4)2 Microcrystal Phosphor with Metastable Orthorhombic Structure and Differences of Luminescence Properties by Structure,Transition Due to Y3+-dilution, New J. Chem., 48, 7579-7589, 2024, IF=3.3, DOI: 10.1039/D3NJ05866B
  10. Open AccessA. Okawa*,S.T.Nguyen, T.Nakayama, T.M.D.Do, H.Suematsu, S.Yin, T.Hasegawa, T.Suzuki, T.Goto, and K.Niihara, High-temperature corrosion of sintered RE2Si2O7 (RE = Yb, Ho) environmental barrier coating materials by volcanic ash, Int.J. Minerals, Metall. Mater., 34, 1628-1638, 2024, IF=4.8, DOI:
  11. Open Access Xue, L. Miao, P.Song, T. Hasegawa, A. Okawa, R. Maezono, T. Sekino, S. Yin*,, Unveiling the NIR modulation performance enhancement of VO2 endowed by oxygen vacancy elimination, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells.274, 113700, 2024, IF=6.3,
  12. (Edge Article, Front Cover Image) S. Shimizu, T. Yoshii, G. Nishikawa, J. Wang, S. Yin, E. Kobayashi, H. Nishihara*,  Unlocking Chemical Environment of Nitrogen in Perovskite-Type Oxides,  Chem. Sci.,15, 10350–10358, 2024, IF=8.4, DOI: 10.1039/d4sc01850h
  13. S.Noda*, Y.Sato*, T.Hasegawa, M.Kakihana, S.Yin, Relationship between Bandgap Energy and Photoluminescence Properties of Pr3+-activated Complex Perovskite Oxide by Cation–Nitrogen Substitution, New J. Chem., 48, 12912, 2024, IF=2.7, DOI: DOI: 10.1039/d3nj05682a, IF=2.7
  14. S.Kamei*, T. Ootsuka, N. Toyama, T. Hasegawa, S. Yin, M. Matsumoto, S.Yoshino, and S.Furukawa, Synthesis of Ardealife (Ca2(SO4)(HPO4)/H2O) using Sonochemistry, Phosphorus Research Bulletin, 40, 34-38, 2024.
  15. A.Hermawan*, N. S. R. Kinasih, R. Radiana, A. Nursyahid, S. Rahayu, D. A. Saputra, V. Puspasari, N. L. W. Septiani, A. Hardiansyah, M D. Gumelar, E. L. Dewi, M. Aziz, S. Yin, Quaternary layered double hydroxides from spent battery as electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction, Inter. J. Hydrogen Energy, 89, 254–263, 2024, IF=8.1, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.09.344,
  16. B.Li*, X.Yun Xing; B. Ren; J. Chen; S. Yin; H. Lin; Y. Liu, Synthesis of sub-micron sized SiC particles with high defect density by using PTFE as an additive. Int.J.Applied Ceramic Technol. 21, 3886-3896 , 2024, IF=1.4, DOI: 10.1111/ijac.14847.
  17. T.Hasegawa*, Y. Takahashi, T. Goto, Y. Sato, A. Okawa and S. Yin, Er3+/Tm3+ co-doped stabilized Zr0.85Y0.15O2-δ:Yb3+ nanophosphors: Hydrothermal synthesis and dual-mode ratiometric thermometry utilized up-conversion and down-shifting photoluminescence, Dalton Transactions, 53, 13617-13627, 2024, DOI:10.1039/d4dt01972e, IF=3.5.
  18. R.Furukawa, T.Hasegawa*, A.Okawa, S.Yin, One-pot facile synthesis of rod-like Bi2S3 particle in deep eutectic solvent and its sub-ppm level selective H2S gas detection, Dalton Transactions,53, 18116-18121, 2024, DOI: 10.1039/d4dt03006k, IF=3.5.
  19. Open AccessT.Hangai, T.Hasegawa*, J. Xu, T. Nakanishi; T.Takeda, T.Goto,Y.Sato, A.Okawa,S. Yin, J. Phys. Chem. C: Energy, Mater. Catal., Luminescence tuning of NIR luminescence nanophosphor Bi3+/Yb3+-doped RE2MoO6 (RE=Gd, Y, Lu) and G2Mo1-xWO6, J.Phys.Chem.C, 128, 20360-20368, DOI:, IF= IF=3.7,
  20. Open AccessQ.Cheng, A.Okawa, T. Hasegawa, Y.Hayashi, T.Sekino, S.Yin*,, Coloring properties of blue inorganic pigments based on cobalt/nickel doped strontium magnesium β-alumina structure in 3YSZ Ceramics, Inter. Ceramic. 50, 53580-53591, 2024., IF=5.1


Book Chapter/ review papers (2023)  (4 報)  

1. (Review paper, Open access, selected as  “Featured Articles 2024”) Shu YIN* and Takuya HASEGAWA, Morphology Control of Transition Metal Oxides by Liquid-Phase Process and Their Material Development, KONA Powder and Particle Journal, 40, 94-108, 2023,  IF=3.919, DOI: 10.14356/kona.2023015

2.Review Paper, Open access, Feature Paper) Zhanyong Gu*, Mengdie Jin, Xin Wang, Ruotong Zhi, Zhenhao Hou, Jing Yang, Hongfang Hao, Shaoyan Zhang, Xionglei Wang, Erpeng Zhou, Shu Yin*※, Recent advances in g-C3N4-based photocatalysts for NOx removal, Catalyst,  13, 192.2023. IF=3.934,

Scholarly Community Encyclopedia:  “Modification Strategies of Pristine g-C3N4” in Encyclopedia

3.(Chapter of Book, Open Access) Uyi Sulaeman*, Ahmad Zuhairi Abdullah, Shu Yin, in Food Sustainability, Environmental Awareness, and Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies for Developing Countries. (Ed. Ahmad Ni’matullah Al-Baarri Diana Nur Afifah) ISBN13: 9781668456293, IGI Global, Chapter 7, The Recent Design of Ag3PO4-Based Photocatalyst for Renewable Energy and Environmental Applications, p118-136, 2023, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5629-3.ch007

4. (Book Chapter)殷澍*、長谷川拓哉、大川采久、スマートウィンドウ用インジウムフリー機能性ナノ材料の創製、in『スマートウィンドウ(調光窓)の開発動向/Development Trends of Smart Windows』、シーエムシー出版、監修:吉村和記、ISBN:978-4-7813-1746-5、発行:2023年8月、p125-p133,


Original Papers(2023)   (15報)   

  1. (Open Access) Uyi Sulaeman*, Syarifah Fauziyyah Ramadhanti, Hartiwi Diastuti, Ponco Iswanto, Isnaeni Isnaeni, Shu Yin, The enhanced photo-stability of defective Ag3PO4 tetrahedron prepared using tripolyphosphate, Arabian J. Chem.16, 104409,2023 IF=6.212, DOI:
  2. N.Suzuki, Y.Xue, T.Hasegawa, and S.Yin,*, Phase transition behavior and optical properties of F/Mo co-doped VO2 for smart windows, Solar Energy Mater. Solar Cells, 251, 112105, 2023, IF=7.305, DOI:
  3. S.Kamei, T.Hasegawa, S.Yin, T.Takemura, S.Fukukawa, and M. Matsumoto, Investigation of the Properties of Hard Clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) Shells as a Source of Calcium-based Materials, Slat Seawater Sci. Technol., 3, 58- 62(2023).
  4. (Open Access) Bin Li, Hongqiang Chen, Jisheng Feng, Qiao Ma, Junhong Chen*, Bo Ren, Shu Yin, Peng Jiang*, First Principles Calculation of Adsorption of Water on MgO (100) Plane, Materials, 16, 2100(11 pages)2023. IF = 3.601, DOI:10.3390/ma16052100
  5. P. Sun, S. Yang, Y. Zhang, J. Liu, F. Wang, J.Zhang, W. Liu, S. Yin *, Z. Ning, *, W. Cao, A universal in situ lattice sulfidation synthesis method of metal sulfides/TiO2 heterostructures, Mater Lett. 340, 134122. 2023.IF = 3.423, DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2023.134122
  6. C.Yoshizawa, T.Hasegawa, A.Okawa, S.Yin*,Liquid-phase oxidation synthesis of WS2-WO3 particles with enhanced gas sensing performance, Funct.Mater. Lett., 16, 2340001,2023. IF=2.17, DOI: 10.1142/S1793604723400015
  7. (Open Access, out side front cover) T. Goto*, S. Yin, Y. Asakura, S. H. Cho, and T. Sekino, Simultaneous synthesis of hydroxyapatite fibres and β-tricalcium phosphate particles via a water controlled-release solvothermal process, CrystEngComm, 25, 2021-2026, 2023. IF = 3.545, DOI: 10.1039/D2CE01703B 
  8. Z.Li, S. Gu, K. Liao, H. Wang, L.Yin, Y.Cao, N. Qin, Q.Gan, Y.Li, Z.Wang, S.Yin*, , Z.Lu, Lithium dextran sulfate as dynamic and sustainable coating to stabilize lithium deposition, Materials Today Energy, 34,101298(9 pages), 2023, IF=9.257, DOI:10.1016/j.mtener.2023.101298
  9. J.Liu; B. Ren; W. Liu, J. Feng; Q. Ma; H. Chen; B.Li*, J. Chen; S. Yin, Effect of slag basicity on the interfacial reaction mechanism between CA6 refractories and CaO-SiO2-MgO-Al2O3 based slag, Ceram. Inter., 2023, IF=5.532, DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2023.04.033
  10. (Open Access) A. Okawa*, M. Yang, T. Hasegawa, T. Ueda, S. H. Cho, T. Sekino, and S. Yin*,※, Gas sensing performance of Nb2CTx synthesized by hydrothermal assisted in-situ HF generation etching method, Discover Materials, 3,12, (2023), DOI:
  11. J.Cao, T.Hasegawa, Y.Asakura, A.Yamakata, P.Sun, W.Cao and S.Yin*, Synthesis of Crystal-Phase and Color Tunable Mixed Anion Co-Doped Titanium Oxides and their Controllable Photocatalytic Activity, Int. J. Miner. Metall.Mater., 30, 2036-2043, 2023, IF = 3.85, DOI: 10.1007/s12613-022-2573-6
  12. P. Sun, S. Han, J. Liu, J. Zhang, S. Yang, F. Wang, W. Liu, S. Yin*, Z. Ning, and W. Cao*, Introducing oxygen vacancies in TiO2 lattice via trivalent iron to enhance photocatalytic removal of indoor NO, Int. J. Miner. Metall.Mater., 30, 2025-2035, 2023,IF = 3.850, DOI:10.1007/s12613-023-2611-z
  13. Nakashima*, S.Misawa, Y.Kobayashi, T.Ishigaki, Y.Ishikawa, S.Yin, M.Kakihana, T.Goto, and T.Sekino. Atomic arrangement analysis and crystal growth mechanism of HAp nanocrystal synthesized from amorphous calcium phosphate, J.Am. Ceram. Soc., 1-14, 2023, DOI: 10.1111/jace.19631
  14. Liu; B. Ren; W. Liu, J. Feng; Q. Ma; H. Chen; B.Li*, J. Chen; S. Yin, Effect of slag basicity on the interfacial reaction mechanism between CA6 refractories and CaO-SiO2-MgO-Al2O3 based slag, Ceram. Inter.49, 22068-22075, 2023, IF=5.532, DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2023.04.033
  15. Biao Zhang*, Pengwei Liu, Nan Qi, Hongjie Luo, Fen Wang, Tao Ma, Xichen Zhao, Guiqiang Fei, Shu Yin, Jianfeng Zhu, Pei Shi, Regulation of oxidation degree for graphene oxide on hydration process and engineering properties of natural hydraulic lime pastes for grout strengthening of stone cultural relics, Construction and Building Materials, 407, 133482, 2023, IF=7.693, DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.133482



Book Chapter/ review papers (2022)  (4報)  

  1. (論説)殷 澍、ダイバーシティについて考える、無機マテリアル学会誌論説、Soc.Inorg. Mater.Jpn,, 29, 57-59, 2022.
  2. (APT受賞和文解説)、アーディアンスヤ トーフィック、朝倉 裕介、長谷川 拓哉、加藤 英樹、垣花 眞人、ロサリ サレー、関野 徹、殷 澍*、室温でのガスセンサー性能の向上に資するMoS2の結晶相と表面構造エンジニアリング、粉体工学会誌(Soc.Powder Technol.Japan)59, No7, p338-347, 2022. DOI: 10.4164/sptj.59.338
  3. (Review paper, Inside front cover)Y.Xue, and S.Yin*, Element Doping: A Marvelous Strategy to Pioneering the Smart Applications of VO2, Nanoscale, 14, 11054 – 11097, 2022. IF=7.79, DOI:10.1039/D2NR01864K
  4. Review Paper, Open access, Feature Paper) Jinwen Wang, T.Hasegawa, Yusuke Asakura, Shu Yin*※,  Recent Advances in Ternary Metal Oxides Modified by N Atom, Catalyst, IF=3.934.  2022, 12, 1568.
  5. Scholarly Community Encyclopedia:  “The Influence of N Atom” in Encyclopedia

Original Papers(2022)   (18報)   

  1. U. Sulaeman*, Y. Khairullah Gandasasmita, H. Diastuti, P.Iswanto, A. Taufik, S. Yin, Surface modification of Ag3PO4 using the alginate for highly active photocatalyst under visible light irradiation, Surf. Interfaces, 20, 101672,2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfin.2021.101672, IF=4.837.
  2. B.Guo, B.Liu*, C.Wang, Y.Wang, S.Yin, M.S.Javed, and W.Han, S-scheme Ti0.7Sn0.3O2/g-C3N4 heterojunction composite for enhanced photocatalytic pollutants degradation, J.Environ. Chem. Eng., 10, 107118, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2021.107118, IF=7.968.
  3. (Cover image) Z.Wang*, F. Wang, A. Hermawan, J. Zhu, and S. Yin*, Surface engineering of Ti3C2Tx MXene by oxygen plasma irradiation as room temperature ethanol sensor, Funct. Mater. Lett, 15, 2251007, 2022, DOI: 10.1142/S1793604722510079, IF=2.17
  4. R.Iimura, T.Hasegawa* and S.Yin, Electrochromic behavior originated from W6+/W5+ redox in Aurivillius-type tungsten-based layered perovskites, 61, 2509-2516, 2022, Inorg.Chem., DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c03364, IF=5.165.
  5. (Cover image) T. Chen, T. Hasegawa, S.H.Cho, T.Goto, T.Sekino, M.Kakihana, and S.Yin*, Mechanism investigation of enhanced oxygen storage performance of YBaCo4O7+δ synthesized by glycine-complex decomposition method, Chem. Commun., 58, 2822 – 2825, 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D1CC06157G, IF=6.222.
  6. B.Guo, B. Liu*, X. Zhang, J. Lu, C. Wang, Y. Wang, S. Yin, W. Han, In2S3 nanosheets growing on sheet-like g-C3N4 as high-performance photocatalyst for H2 evolution under visible light、Int. J. Energy Res., 2022;1–12,2022,  DOI: 10.1002/er.7791, IF=5.164
  7. Y.Asakura*, T.Hasegawa, and S.Yin, Utility of NaMoO3F as a Precursor for Homogeneous Distribution of Cobalt Dopants in Molybdenum Oxynitrides, 2022, e202200143 (7pages), Chemistry – An Asian Journal (ACES) 2022, DOI: 10.1002/asia.202200143., IF=4.568.
  8.  (Open Access)R.Saleh*, S. Andiane Hidayat, A. Taufik, S. Yin, Removal of multiple pollutants from water using noble Ag/Au/magnetite/graphene/H2O2 system under light and ultrasound irradiation, Arabian J. Chem. (2022) 15, 103881, DOI: 10.1016/j.arabjc.2022.103881IF=5.165
  9. J.Cao, T.Hasegawa, Y.Asakura, A.Yamagata, P.Sun, S.Yang, B.Li, W.Cao, and S.Yin*, Synthesis and Color Tuning of Titanium Oxide Inorganic Pigment by Phase Control and Mixed-Anion Co-doping, Adv. Powders Technol. 33,103576, 2022,  DOI: 10.1016/j.apt.2022.103576, IF=4.833.
  10. B.Guo, B. Liu*, C. Wang, Y. Wang, S. Yin, W. Han, WS2/In2S3 composite photocatalyst for photocatalytic H2 generation and pollutant degradation, New J. Chem., 46, 7366-7373, 2022.  DOI: 10.1039/d2nj00190j, IF=3.591,
  11. B.Guo, B. Liu*, C.Wang, J.Liu, Y. Wang, S. Yin, M.S.Javed, W. Han, Boosting photocharge separation in Z-schemed g-C3N4/RGO/ln2S3 photocatalyst for H2 evolution and antibiotic degradation, J. Ind. Eng. Chem.,110, 217-224 IF=6.064, DOI: 10.1016/j.jiec.2022.02.056
  12. A.Hermawan*, A.T.Hanindriyo,K. Hongo, R.Maezono, S.Yin*, Impact of surface faceting on gas sensing selectivity of NiO: Revealing adsorption site of organic vapors on {111} facet, J.Phys.Chem. C: Energy, Mater. Catal., 126, 8037-8026, 2022, IF=4.126, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c00092
  13. T.Hangai, N.Uchiyama, T.Hasegawa Y.Asakura, and S.Yin*, Synthesis of Star-like BiVO4 Photocatalysts by Organic-Aqueous Hetero-Phase Reaction: Interaction between Bismuth and Amino Group of Oleylamin, Funct. Mater. Lett., 15, 2250020(4pages), 2022, DOI: 10.1142/S1793604722500205, IF=2.17.
  14. J. Wang, Y. Asakura, T. Hasegawa and S. Yin*, Morphology and facet tailoring of CaSnO3 assembled in molten salt with defect-mediated photocatalytic activity, J. Environ.Chem.Eng., 10, 108069, DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2022.108169, IF=5.876, 2022
  15. R.Saleh*, S. Andiane Hidayat, M.Y.Rizal, A. Taufik, S. Yin, Synthesis and characterization of BiFeO3/LaFeO3/graphene composites as persulfate activator for removal of 4-nitrophenol, Adv. Powder Technol., 33, 103752, 2022.IF=4.969, DOI: 10.1016/j.apt.2022.103752.
  16. J.Liu, B. Li*, J. Chen, B. Ren, S. Yin, Z. Zhang, D. Gong, Slag Resistance Mechanism of CaO·6Al2O3 Refractory and Its Effect on Inclusions of Aluminum Deoxidized Steel, Int. J. Appl. Ceram.Technol., 29, 3323-3333, 2022, IF=2.328, DOI: 10.1111/ijac.14156
  17. (Open Access) Liu, Z. Liu, J. Feng, B. Li*, J. Chen*, B. Ren, Y. Jia, S. Yin, Reaction Mechanism of CA6, Al2O3 and CA6-Al2O3 Refractories with Refining Slag, Materials, 15, 6779, 2022; IF=3.748, DOI:10.3390/ma15196779
  18. T.Hasegawa*, T.Ueda, Y.Asakura, and S.Yin※, Cerium(III) Niobate Layered Perovskites: Abnormal Optical Absorption Modulations by Tuning of B-site Composition and Perovskite Layer Charge Control, Inorg Chem., 61, 20636-20646, 2022, IF=5.436, DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c03550


Book Chapter/ review papers (2021)  (5報)  

  1. (解説) 朝倉裕介*, 殷 澍, 水熱合成により得られた前駆体酸化物を用いた酸窒化物ナノ構造体の合成とその光機能、ナノ学会会報、19, No.1, 43-49, 2021.
  2. (Review) Angga Hermawan*, Tahta Amrillah, Anung Riapanitra, Wee-Jun Ong and Shu Yin*, Prospects and challenges of MXenes as emerging sensing materials for flexible and wearable breath-based biomarker diagnosis, Advanced Healthcare Materials10, 2100970, 2021, DOI:10.1002/adhm.202100970, IF=9.933

  3. (Review Paper, Open access) A.Hermawan, N. L. W. Septiani, A. Taufik, B. Yuliarto*, and S. Yin*, Advanced Strategies to Improve Performances of Molybdenum‑Based Gas Sensors, Nano-Micro Lett., 13, 207, (46pages), 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s40820-021-00724-1, IF=16.419.

  4. (Review Paper)T.Amrillah, A. Hermawan*, V. N. Alviani, Z. W. Seh, S. Yin*, MXenes and their derivatives as nitrogen reduction reaction catalysts: Recent progress and perspectives, Mater. Today Energy, 22, 100864(22pages), DOI: 10.1016/j.mtener.2021.100864, IF=7.311
  5. (解説)殷 澍*、長谷川 拓哉、李 斌、液相反応場による環境応答機能性無機材料の合成、日本電子材料技術協会会報(特集、無機材料の新展開), vol52,Nov. 13-21, 2021.

Original Papers(2021)   (22報)   

  1. T. Chen, Y. Asakura, T. Hasegawa, T. Motohashi, S. Yin*, A simple and novel effective strategy using mechanical treatment to improve the oxygen uptake/release rate of YBaCo4O7+δ for thermochemical cycles, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 68, 8-15, 2021, DOI:10.1016/j.jmst.2020.06.043, IF=6.155.
  2. M.Y. Rizal, R. Saleh*, S. P. Prakoso, A. Taufik and S. Yin, Ultraviolet- and visible-light photocatalytic and sonophotocatalytic activities toward Congo red degradation using Ag/Mn3O4 nanocomposites, Mater. Sci.Semiconductor Process.,121 105371, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.mssp.2020.105371. IF=3.085.
  3. Z.Wang, F. Wang*, K. Liu, J. Zhu, T. Chen, Z. Gu, and S. Yin*, Cobalt phosphide nanoparticles grown on Ti3C2 nanosheet for enhanced lithium ions storage performances, J. Alloy, Compd.., 853, 157136,2021 DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.157136, IF=4.65.
  4. Z.Gu, Z. Cui, Z. Wang, K. S. Qin, Y. Asakura; T. Hasegawa, K. Hongo, R. Maezono, S. Yin*, Intrinsic carbon-doping induced synthesis of oxygen vacancies-mediated TiO2 nanocrystals: enhanced photocatalytic NO removal performance and mechanism, J.Catal., 393, 179-189, 2021.DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2020.11.025, IF=7.888.
  5. (JMST2023 Excellent Article Award, 2023.11.16) Z.Wang, F. Wang*, A. Hermawan, Y. Asakura, T. Hasegawa, H. Kumagai, H. Kato, M. Kakihana, J. Zhu and S. Yin*, SnO-SnO2 Modified Two-Dimensional MXene Ti3C2Tx for Acetone Gas Sensor Working at Room Temperature, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 73, 128-138, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmst.2020.07.040, IF=6.155.
  6. M.Y. Rizal, R. Saleh*, A. Taufik, S. Yin, Photocatalytic decomposition of methylene blue by persulfate-assisted Ag/Mn3O4 and Ag, Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 15, 100408, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.enmm.2020.100408. IF=1.43
  7. K. Saito*, S. Orikasa,Y. Asakura ,Y. Ide, Y. Sugahara, M. Ogasawara , S. Yin , and S. Kato, Ni-Doped Protonated Layered Titanate/TiO2 Composite with Efficient Photocatalytic Activity for NOx Decomposition Reactions, Int. J. Photoenergy, 2021, Article ID 8847956,(9 pages), 2021. DOI: 10.1155/2021/8847956, 2021, IF=1.88.
  8. (Cover Art) K.Nakashima*, K. Onagi, Y. Kobayashi, T. Ishigaki, Y. Ishikawa, Y. Yoneda, S. Yin, M. Kakihana, and T. Sekino, Stabilization of Size-Controlled BaTiO3 Nanocubes via Precise Solvothermal Crystal Growth and Their Anomalous Surface Compositional Reconstruction, ACS Omega, 2021, 6, 9410-9425, DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c05878, IF=5.324.
  9. T.Amrillah, A. Hermawan, S. Yin and J.Y. Juang*, Formation and physical properties of the self assembled BFO–CFO vertically aligned nanocomposite on a CFO-buffered two dimensional flexible mica substrate, RSC Adv., 11, 15539-15545, 2021, DIO: 10.1039/d1ra01158h, Open Access, IF=3.119.
  10. A. Hermawan*, T. Hasegawa, Y. Asakura, S.Yin*, Enhanced visible-light-induced photocatalytic NOx degradation over (Ti,C)-BiOBr/Ti3C2Tx MXene nanocomposites: Role of Ti and C doping, Sep. Purif. Technol.,270, 118815, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2021.118815, IF=5.774
  11. J.Wang, Y.Asakura*, T.Hasegawa, and S.Yin, High-concentration N-doped into La2Ti2O7 nanocrystals: effects of nano-structuration and doping sites on enhancing the photocatalytic activity, Chem.Eng.J. 423,130220, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.130220, IF=10.652
  12. S. Zhou, C. A. Bernard*, K. Ravi, H. Saito, Y.Ichikawa, K. Ogawa, S.Yin, Development and Characterization of Photocatalytic GaN Coatings by Cold Spray Process, J. Thermal Spray Technol., (2021)., 2021 IF=2.587
  13. (Cover Art) A. Taufik, Y. Asakura, T. Hasegawa, S. Yin*, MoS2-xSex Nanoparticles for NO Detection at Room Temperature, ACS  Appl. Nanomater.,4, 6861-6871, 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.1c00926.IF=5.097.
  14. M.Otomo, T. Hasegawa, Y. Asakura, S. Yin*, Remarkable Effects of Lanthanides Substitution for Y-site on the Oxygen Storage/release Performance of YMnO3+δ, ACS Appl.Mater. Interface.,13, 31691-31698, 2021,  DOI:10.1021/acsami.1c06880, IF=9.229.
  15. U.Sulaeman*, R.D.Permadi, A.Marcorius, H.Diastuti, A.Riapanitra. S.Yin, The surface modification of Ag3PO4 using tetrachloroaurate(III) and metallic Au for enhanced photocatalytic activity, Bull.Chem. React. Eng.  Cataly., 16, 707-715, 2021, DOI:10.9767/bcrec.16.4.10863.707-715, IF=0.24.
  16. T.Amrillah*, A.Hermawan, Y. Bitla, M. Baqiya, Q.L.Thi, A.Taufik, S.Yin, J.Y. Juang*, Preferentially-Oriented Nanometer-Sized CoFe2O4 Mesocrystals Embedded in BiFeO3 Matrix for Opto-Magnetic Device Applications, ACS Appl.Nano Mater., 4,11249-011259,2021, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.1c02804, IF=5.097
  17. Z.Wang*, Z. Gu, F. Wang, A. Hermawan, S. Hirata, Y. Asakura, T. Hasegawa, J.Zhu, M.Inada, and S.Yin*An ultra-sensitive room temperature toluene sensor based on molten-salts modified carbon nitride, Adv.Powder Technol.,32, 4198-4209, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.apt.2021.09.027, IF=4.833.
  18. T.CHEN, T. HASEGAWA, Y. ASAKURA, M. KAKIHANA, T. MOTOHASHI, and S.YIN*, Improvement of the Oxygen Storage/Release Speed of YBaCo4O7+δ Synthesized by Glycine-Complex Decomposition Method, ACS Appl. Mater. Interface, 2021, 13, 51008-51017. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c15419, IF=9.229
  19. Z.Wang*, F. Wang, A. Hermawan, J. Zhu, and S. Yin*, A Facile method for preparation of porous nitrogen-doped Ti3C2Tx MXene for highly responsive acetone detection at high temperature,  Funct. Mater. Lett, 14, 2151043(8 pages) 2021, DOI: 10.1142/S1793604721510437, IF=2.17
  20. (Cover image)T.Hasegawa*, N.Yamasaki,Y.Asakura, T.Ueda, S.Yin, Ce(IV)-centered charge-neutral perovskite layers topochemically-derived from anionic [CeTa2O7] layer, Chemical Science,12,15016, 2021, DOI: 10.1039/d1sc03053a, IF=9.825
  21. (Cover image)K. Nakashima*, K. Hironaka, K. Oouchi, M. Ajioka, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Yoneda, S. Yin, M. Kakihana, T.Sekino, Optimizing TiO2 through water-soluble Ti complexes as raw material for controlling particle size and distribution of synthesized BaTiO3 nanocubes, ACS Omega6, 32517–32527,2021. DOI:10.1021/acsomega.1c04013 , IF=5.324
  22. K.KASUYA, Md. SHAHIDUZZAMAN, M. KOBAYASHI, S. YIN, M. KAKIHANA and K. TOMITA*, Synthesis of brookite-type TiO2 nanoparticles by emulsion-assisted hydrothermal method using titanium glycolate complex, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 129, 720-724 2021, DOI:10.2109/jcersj2.21127, IF=1.224


Book Chapter/ review papers (2020)  (2報)  

  1. (BOOK Chapter) S.YIN* and A.MURAMATSU, Environmental Friendly Synthesis of High Efficient Composite Type Photocatalysts, in Current Developments in Photocatalysis and Photocatalytic Materials – New Horizons in Photocatalysis, Edited by Xinchen WANG, Masakazu ANPO, and Xianzhi FU, Elsevier, Amsterdam,ISBN: 9780128190005, page 159-177(Chapter 11), 2020. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-819000-5.00011-4
  2. 長谷川拓哉*, 殷 澍, Mn4+賦活酸化物蛍光体の発光効率向上に向けた新しい材料開発ガイドライン、セラミックス、55, No.12, 880-884, 2020.


Original Papers(2020)   (27報)  

  1. Z.Gu, Y.Asakura and S.Yin*, High yield post-thermal treatment of bulk graphitic carbon nitride with tunable band structure for enhanced deNOx photocatalysis, Nanotechnology, 31, 114001 (7pp), 2020, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ab59f6, IF=3.399.
  2. H. Zhao, X. Zhang, Y. Lei, P. Yang, J. Fan, B. Zhang S. Yin, Exceptional photocatalytic activity for Ag, Cr- SrTiO3 activated by H2O2 for removal of organic pollutants, Mater. Res. Express, 7, 015034, 2020, DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/ab6246, IF: 1.449.
  3. (Cover Page) Anung Riapanitra, Yusuke Asakura and Shu Yin*, One-step hydrothermal synthesis and thermochromic properties of chlorine-doped VO2(M) for smart window application, Funct. Mater. Lett, 13, 1951008, 2020, DOI: 10.1142/S1793604719510081, IF=2.00
  4. (Back Cover image) Y.Asakura, A. Miyake, M. Otomo and S. Yin*, Improvement of O2 storage/release rate in YMnO3 nanoparticles synthesized by polymerization-complex method, Dalton Transactions, 49, 966–971, 2020. DOI: 10.1039/C9DT04095A, IF=4.052
  5. Ji-Min Fan, Yun-Yu Lei, Zhan-Yong Gu, Bing Zhang, Shu Yin, Zhi-Huan Zhao, Fabrication of N and F Modified La-TiO2 Nanoparticles and Their Enhanced Photocatalytic Response to Visible Light, Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 20, 779-788, 2020, DOI:10.1166/jnn.2020.16906, IF=1.093.
  6. P.Sauerschnig, K. Tsuchiya, T. Tanak, Y. Michiue, O. Sologub, S. Yin, A. Yoshikawa, T. Shishido, Takao Mori, On the thermoelectric and magnetic properties, hardness, and crystal structure of the higher boride YbB66, J. Alloys Compd., 813 (2020) 152182. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.152182, IF=4.175
  7.  C. Noda, Y. Asakura, Shiraki, A. Yamagata, and S. Yin*, Synthesis of Three-component C3N4/rGO/C-TiO2 Photocatalyst with Enhanced Visible-light Responsive Photocatalytic deNOx Activity, Chem.Eng. J., 390, 124616, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.124616, IF=8.355
  8. (Open Access) Uyi Sulaeman, Richo Dwi Permadi, Dian Riana Ningsih, Hartiwi Diastuti, Anung Riapanitra, Shu Yin, Data of XPS in incorporating the platinum complexes dopant on the surface of Ag3PO4 photocatalyst, Data in Brief, 28,104988, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2019.126848, IF= 0.429
  9. Angga HERMAWAN, Yusuke ASAKURA, Miki INADA and Shu YIN*, A facile method for preparation of uniformly decorated-spherical SnO2 by CuO nanoparticles for highly responsive toluene detection at high temperature, Mater. Sci. Technol., 51, 119-129, 2020, DOI:10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.146213, IF=5.04.
  10. J.Wang, Y.Asakura and S.Yin, Synthesis of zinc germanium oxynitride nanotube as a visible-light driven photocatalyst for NOx decomposition through ordered morphological transformation from Zn2GeO4 nanorod obtained by hydrothermal reaction, Hazard. Mater. 396,122709, 2020, DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.122709, IF=7.650.
  11. Z.Gu, B. Zhang, Y. Asakura, S. Tsukuda, H. Kato, M. Kakihana, and S. Yin*, Alkali-assisted hydrothermal preparation of g-C3N4/rGO nanocomposites with highly enhanced photocatalytic NOx removal activity, Appl. Surf. Sci., 521, 146213 (9pages), 2020, DOI:10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.146213, IF=5.155
  12. P.Sun, Q. Lu, J. Zhang, T. Xiao, W. Liu, J. Ma, S. Yin, and W. Cao, Mo-ion doping evoked visible light response in TiO2 nanocrystals for highly-efficient removal of benzene, Chem.Eng. J., 397, 125444, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.125444, IF=8.355.
  13. A.Hermawan, B.Zhao, A.Taufik, Y.Asakura, T.Hasegawa, J.Zhu, P.Shi, and S.Yin*, CuO nanoparticles/Ti3C2Tx MXene hybrid Nanocomposites for Detection of Toluene Gas, ACS, Appl. Nano Mater., 3, 5, 4755–4766, 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.0c00749, IF=未定
  14. (APT Distinguished Paper Award)A.Taufik, Y. Asakura, H. Kato, M. Kakihana, R. Saleh, T. Sekino, S. Yin*, 1T/2H-MoS2 engineered by in-situ ethylene glycol intercalation for improved toluene sensing response at room temperature, Adv.Powder Technol.,31, 1863-1878, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.apt.2020.02.022, IF=3.25
  15. C. Mardania, M. Y. Rizal, R. Saleh*, A. Taufik, S. Yin, Synthesis and characterization of Ag/CeO2/graphene nanocomposites as catalysts for water-pollution treatment, Appl.Sur. Sci. 530, 147297, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.147297, IF=6.182
  16. (Front Cover,HOT article). T.Hasegawa*, A. Shigee,Y. Nishiwaki, M. Nagasako, A.T. Hanindriyo, K. Hongo, R. Maezono, T. Ueda, and S. Yin, New Layered Perovskite Family Built from [CeTa2O7]- Layers: Mechanism of the Unique Chromophore, Chem. Comm., 56, 8591-8594, 2020, DOI: DOI:10.1039/d0cc03466e, IF=6.05.
  17. Z.Gu, Z.Cui, Z.Wang, K.S.Qin, Y.Asakura, T.Hasegawa, S. Tsukuda, K. Hongo, R. Maezono, and S. Yin*, Carbon vacancies and hydroxyls in graphitic carbon nitride: promoted photocatalytic NO removal activity and mechanism, Appl. Catal. B. Environ., 279, 119376(11pages), DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2020.119376, IF=16.683.
  18. A. Hermawan, A.T. Hanindriyo, E. R. Ramadhan, Y. Asakura, T. Hasegawa, K. Hongo, M. Inada, R. Maezono, and S. Yin*, Octahedral morphology of NiO with (111) facet synthesized from the transformation of NiOHCl for NOx detection and degradation: Experiment and DFT calculation, Inorg.Chem. Front., 7, 3431-3442, 2020, DOI: 10.1039/D0QI00682C, IF=5.934
  19. A.Taufik, Y. Asakura, T. Hasegawa, H. Kato, M. Kakihana, S. Hirata, M. Inada, S. Yin*, Surface Engineering of 1T/2H MoS2 Nanoparticles by O2 Plasma Irradiation as Potential Humidity Sensor for Breathing and Skin Monitoring Applications, ACS, Appl. Nano Mater., 3, 7835-7846, 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.0c01352, IF=5.097.
  20. Z.Zhang, Z. Zhao, P.Yang, W.Liu, J.Fan, B.Zhang, S.Yin,MoS2@C nanosphere as near infrared / pH dual response platform for chemical photothermal combination treatment, Colloids Surf. B: Biointerfaces, 192, 111054, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2020.111054, IF=4.389
  21. A.HERMAWAN, Y. ASAKURA, S. YIN*, Morphology control of aluminum nitride (AlN) for a novel high-temperature hydrogen sensor, Int.J.Miner.Metall.Mater., 13.1560-1567, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s12613-020-2143-8, IF=1.713
  22.  (Front Cover) T.Hasegawa*, M. Iwaki, R. Tanaka, S.-W. Kim, S. Yin, and K. Toda, Phase stabilization of red-emitting olivine type NaMgPO4:Eu2+ phosphors via molten-phase quenching, Inorg.Chem. Front.,7, 4040-4051, 2020, DOI: 10.1039/d0qi00880j, IF=5.934
  23. Y. Asakura*, T.Akahira, M.Kobayashi, M.Osada, and S.Yin, Facile Synthesis of NaMoO3F and Na5W3O9F5 with Morphological Controllability in Non-Aqueous Solvents. Inorg. Chem., 59, 10707-10716, 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c01175, IF=4.840
  24. Y. Asakura*, T.Hasegawa, and S.Yin, Solvothermal Synthesis of Potassium, Rubidium, and Cesium Molybdenum Oxyfluorides, J. Ceram.Soc. Jpn., 128, 1061-1065, 2020, DOI: 10.2109/jcersj2.20182, IF=1.067.
  25. R. Zhang, J.Kuang, Q.Lu, Q.Wang, P.Sun, W.Liu, S.Yin, W.Cao, Tunable thickness and band structure of SnO sheets for improved photocatalytic activity, CrystEngComm., 22, 2219-2226, DOI: 10.1039/C9CE01969C, IF=3.117.
  26. F.Wang, K.Liu, Z.Wang, and S.Yin*, Synthesis of Ce-doped SnO2@Ti3C2 nanocomposites for enhanced lithium-ion storage, Funct. Mater. Lett, 2151003, 2020, DOI: 10.1142/S1793604721510036, IF=2.0
  27. Z.Zhao*, P.Yang, X.Zhang, W. Liu, J.Fan, J. Lin, S. Yang, B. Zhang, and S.Yin, The photothermal and adsorption properties of different surfactant modified cesium-tungsten bronze, Mater. Technol., Adv. Perform. Mat., 2020,1789831(1-11), 2020, DOI: 10.1080/10667857.2020.1789831, IF=1.82.

Book Chapter/ review papers (2019)  (2報)  

  1.  S.Yin* and Y. Asakura, Recent research progress on mixed valence state tungsten based materials, Tungsten1, 5-18, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s42864-019-00001-0, 2019. (Review Article, Cover page )
  2. (BOOK Chapter) S.YIN* and T.SATO, Chemical functions of ceramics, in Materials Chemistry of Ceramics, in Edited by Junichi HOJO, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019, page 93-117(Chapter 5). DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-9935-0


Original Papers(2019)   (18報)  

  1. M.AFIF, U.SULAEMAN, A. RIAPANITRA, R.ANDREAS , S.YIN, Use of Mn Doping to Suppress Defect Sites in Ag3PO4: Applications in Photocatalysis, Appl. Surf.Sci., 466, 352-357, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.10.049, IF= 4.439.
  2. Z. ZHAO, Y.BAI, W.NING, J.FAN, Z.GU, H.CHANG, and S.YIN, Effect of Surfactants on the Performance of 3D Morphology W18O49 by Solvothermal Synthesis, Appl. Surf.Sci., 471, 537-544, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.12.041, IF= 4.439.
  3. J.YANG, Y.LIANG, K.LI, G.YANG, and S.YIN*, One-step low-temperature synthesis of 0D CeO2 quantum dots/2D BiOX (X = Cl, Br) nanoplates heterojunctions for highly boosting photo-oxidation and reduction ability, Appl. Catal.B: Environ., 250, 17-30, 2019, DOI:10.1016/j.apcatb.2019.03.017, IF=11.698.
  4. X. GAO, H.CHANG, Y.ASAKURA, Z.ZHAO, W.GAO, Q.YAN, and S.YIN*, Influence of Water-controlled Release Process on the Physical and Chemical Property of Nanosize TiO2 Particles, Mater.Res. Express, 6, 066208, 2019,DOI:10.1088/2053-1591/ab0d67, IF= 1.151.
  5. A.Hermawan, A.Wibowo, L. Asri, S,Yin, P. Sunendar Bambang, Improved ionic conductivity of porous Li4Ti5O12 synthesized by sol-gel method using eggshell membrane as soft template, Mater.Res. Express,  6, 075030, 2019,DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/ab1298, IF= 1.151.
  6.  Y.Asakura*, Y.Nishimura, Y.Masubuchi, and S.Yin, Utility of ZnGa2O4 nanoparticles obtained hydrothermally for preparation of GaN:ZnO solid solution nanoparticles and transparent film, Eur.J. Inorg. Chem., 2019, 1999-2005. DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201900045, IF =2.507.
  7. H. P.Duong, T. Mashiyama, M. Kobayashi, A. Iwase, A. Kudo,Y. Asakura, S. Yin, M. Kakihana, H Kato, Z-scheme water splitting by microspherical Rh-doped SrTiO3 photocatalysts prepared by a spray drying method, Appl.Catal.B: Environ., 252, 222-229, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2019.04.009, IF=11.698.
  8. A. Hermawan, Y. Asakura, M. Inada,  S.Yin*, One-step synthesis of micro- mesoporous SnO2 spheres by solvothermal method for toluene gas sensor, Ceram. Int., 45, 15435-15444, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.05.043, IF=3.450.
  9. J.W.WANG, Y.ASAKURA*, and S.YIN, Preparation of (Zn1+xGe)(N2Ox) nanoparticles with enhanced NOx decomposition activity under visible light irradiation by nitridation of Zn2GeO4, nanoparticles designed precisely, Nanoscale11, 20151-20160, 2019. DOI: 10.1039/c9nr05244e,  IF=6.970.
  10. Uyi Sulaeman, Richo Dwi Permadi, Dian Riana Ningsih, Hartiwi Diastuti, Anung Riapanitra, Shu Yin, The surface modification of Ag3PO4 using anionic platinum complexes for enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity, Mater. Lett., 259, 126848, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2019.126848, IF=3.019.
  11. Md Samiul Islam Sarker, Takahiro Nakamura, Satoshi Kameoka,Yuichiro Hayasaka, Shu Yin and Shunichi Sato, Enhanced catalytic activity of inhomogeneous Rh based solid-solution alloy nanoparticles†, RSC Adv., 9, 38882-38890, 2019. DOI: 10.1039/c9ra06167c, IF=3.049
  12. W.NING, Z.ZHAO, H.CHANG, Z.GU, B.ZHANG, S.YIN, and J.FAN, Photocatalytic degrade of ofloxacin by ZnO/CsxWO3 composite synthesized by two step method: A kinetic study, Funct.Mater. Lett., 12, 1950068, 2019, DOI: 10.1142/S1793604719500681, IF=1.388.
  13. Shu YIN, Preface to the special issue: Novel functionalities of tungsten‑related materials, Tungsten, 1, 245-246, 2019, DOI: 1007/s42864-020-00035-9.
  14. Kunfeng Chen, Shu Yin, Dongfeng Xue, Active La–Nb–O compounds for fast lithium‑ion energy storage, Tungsten, 1, 287-296,2019 DOI: 1007/s42864-019-00029-2
  15. Cover Page) Anung Riapanitra, Yusuke Asakura and Shu Yin*, Improved Thermochromic and Photocatalytic Activities of F-VO2/Nb-TiO2 Multifunctional Coating Films, Tungsten, 1, 306-317, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s42864-020-00032-y
  16. R.Zhang, Q. Wang, J.Zhang, Q.Lu, W. LIU, S. Yin, W.Cao, Towards Efficient Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Hierarchical TiO2/SnO p-n Heterojunction under Visible-light Irradiation, Nanotechnology, 30, 434001, 2019, DOI= 10.1088/1361-6528/ab3383, IF=3.399.
  17. Lisha Jiang, Kai Wang, Xiaoyong Wu, Gaoke Zhang, Shu Yin, Amorphous Bimetallic Cobalt Nickel Sulfide Cocatalysts for Significantly Boosting Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Performance of Graphitic Carbon Nitride: Efficient Interfacial Charge Transfer, ACS Appl.Mater.Interfaces, 11, 26898-26908, 2019, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b07311, IF= 8.456.
  18. W.NING, X.ZHANG, H.CHANGS.YIN, Z.Zhao, Influence of Cr doping on optical properties of cesium tungsten bronze (in Chn.), Xiandai Huagong/Modern Chemical Industry, 39, 4,137-140, 2019. DOI: 10.16606/j.cnki.issn 0253-4320.2019.04.030


Book Chapter/ review papers (2018)   (3報)  

  1. 佐藤次雄、殷澍、形態制御によるCeO2粉末の機能化とリサイクル、in 「レアアースの最新技術と資源戦略(The Lastest Technological Trend and Resource Strategy of Rare Earths)」、Popular Edition, 監修:町田憲一、シーエムシー出版ISBN978-4-7813-1224-8C3034、75-87、2018年2月
  2. 殷澍*、常宏宏、朝倉裕介、佐藤次雄、エステル化反応による機能性無機ナノ粒子の創製、セラミックス、53, No.10, 722-725, 2018.
  3. S.YIN*, A. RIAPANITRA, and Y.ASAKURA, Nanomaterials for Infrared Shielding Smart Coatings. Functional Materials Letters, 11, 1830004, 2018. DOI:10.1142/S1793604718300049.(Review Article, Cover page, Free Access, Y-053 FML v11no5 Special


Original Papers(2018)   (24報)  

  1. U.Sulaeman*, D.hermawan, R.Andreas, A.Zuhairi Abdullah, S.Yin, Native Defects in Silver Orthophosphate and their Effects on Photocatalytic Activity under Visible Light Irradiation, Appl.Surface Sci.428, 1029–1035, 2018. DOI:10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.09.188, IF=3.387.
  2. Z.H.ZHAO, Y.MA, J.M.FAN, Y.Q.XUE, H.H.CHANG, Y.MASUBUCHI, and S.YIN, Synthesis of Graphitic Carbon Nitride from Different Precursors by Fractional Thermal Polymerization Method and their Visible Light Induced Photocatalytic Activities, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 735, 1297-1305, 2018. DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.11.033, IF=3.133.
  3. J.M.FAN, Z.H.ZHAO, C.GONG, Y.Q.XUE, and S.YIN, Persistent Methyl Orange Degradation Ability of MgAl2O4:(Pr3+,Dy3+)/M-TiO2 Luminescent Photocatalyst, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 18, 1675-1681, 2018.  DOI:10.1166/jnn.2018.14247, IF=1.483.
  4. M. KOBAYASHI, Y. SUZUKI, T. GOTO, S. H. CHO, T. SEKINO, Y. ASAKURA, and S.YIN, Low-temperature Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of SrTiO3 Photocatalysts for NOx Degradation, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.,126, 135-138, 2018. DOI:10.2109/jcersj2.17195, IF=1.108.
  5. Y. ASAKURA, Y. INAGUMA, K. UEDA, Y. MASUBUCHI, and S. YIN, Synthesis of Gallium Oxynitride Nanoparticles through Hydrothermal Reaction under a Presence of Acetylene Black and their Photocatalytic NOx Decomposition, Nanoscale,10, 1837-1844, 2018. DOI: 10.1039/c7nr07502b、IF=7.367.
  6. A. SHI, H. LI, S. YIN, J. ZHANG, Y. WANG, H2 Evolution over g-C3N4/CsxWO3 under NIR lightAppl. Catal. B: Environ. 228, 75-86, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2018.01.070, IF=11.698
  7. S. Kawamura, K. Matsubara, S. Sakai, K. Sasaki, M. Saito, K. Saito, M. Yagi, W. Norimatsu, R. Sasai, M. Kusunoki, M. Eguchi, S. Yin, Y. Asakura, T.Yui, Preparation of Stable Silver Nanoparticles having Wide Red-to-Near Infrared Extinction, Global Challenges, 2, 1700105, 2018 , DOI: 10.1002/gch2.201700105. IF=4.306.
  8. Z.ZHAO, X.ZHANG, J.FAN, D.XUE, B.ZHANG, S.YIN, N-TiO2/g-C3N4/Up-conversion Phosphor Composites for the Full-spectrum Light-responsive DeNOx Photocatalysis, J.Mater.Sci., 53, 7266–7278, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s10853-018-2056-3. IF=2.599.
  9. Y. Asakura*,Y. Anada, R. Hamanaka, T. Sato, K. Katsumata,X. Wu and S. Yin*, Multifunctionality in Coating Films Including Nb-doped TiO2 and CsxWO3: Near Infrared Shielding and Photocatalytic Properties,  Nanotechnology29, 224001, 2018, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/aab600, IF=3.440.
  10. Anung Riapanitra, Yusuke, Asakura, Wenbin Cao, Yasuto Noda, Shu Yin*, Supercritical Temperature Synthesis of Fluorine-doped VO2(M) Nanoparticle with Improved Thermochromic Property, Nanotechnology, 29, 244005,2018, DOI:10.1088/1361-6528/aab752, IF=3.440.
  11. H.IMAKAWA , X.WU,H.ITAHARA, S.YIN, K.KOJIMA, S.F.CHICHIBU, and T.SATO, Photocatalytic NO Removal over Calcium-bridged Siloxenes under Ultraviolet and Visible Light Irradiation, Dalton Trans., 47,7070-7076, 2018. DOI: 10.1039/c7dt04310d, IF=4.029.
  12. A. SHI, H. LI, S. YIN, Z.HOU, J. ZHANG, Y. WANG, H2 Photocatalytic NH3 Versus H2 Evolution over g-C3N4/CsxWO3: O2 and Methanol Tipping the Scale, ,Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 235, 197-206,2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2018.04.081, IF=11.698.
  13. K. UEDA, Y. INAGUMA, Y.ASAKURA,  S.YIN, New Method for the Synthesis of β-TaON Oxynitride Using (C6N9H3)n, Chem. Lett., 47,840-842, 2018. DOI: 10.1246/cl.180265, IF=1.801
  14. Z. ZHAO, W.LIU, Y.XUE, and S.YIN, Synthesis of TiO2/Fly Ash Cenospheres by Sol–Gel Method and Their Photacatalytic Activities Under Visible Light, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.18, 3306–3313, 2018. DOI:10.1166/jnn.2018.14641, IF=1.483.
  15. S. KOMATSUDA, Y. ASAKURA, J. J. M. VEQUIZO, A. YAMAKATA, S. YIN*, Enhanced Photocatalytic NOx Decomposition of Visible-light Responsive F-TiO2/(N,C)-TiO2 by Charge Transfer Between F-TiO2 and (N,C)-TiO2 through their Doping Levels, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 238, 358-364, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2018.07.038, IF=11.698.
  16. (JACERAS, The 2018 Best Paper Award) A. HERMAWAN, H. SON, Y. ASAKURA, T. MORI, S. YIN*, Synthesis of Morphology Controllable Aluminum Nitride by Direct Nitridation of γ-AlOOH in the Presence of N2H4 and their Sintering Behavior, J.Asian Ceram. Soc., 6, 63-69, 2018, DOI: 10.1080/21870764.2018.1439611, IF=1.393.
  17. A. HERMAWAN, Y. ASAKURA, M.KOBAYASHI, M.KAKIHANA, and S. YIN*, High temperature hydrogen gas sensing property of GaN prepared from α-GaOOH, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chem., 276, 388–396, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2018.08.021, IF=5.667.
  18. S. SHI, T. GOTO, S. H. CHO, H. HASHIMOTO, S. YIN, S. W. LEE, T. SEKINO, Formation of Vertically Grown 1D TiO2 Nanorods on the Surface of  Al2O3/Ti Composites by Simple Heat Treatment and their Photocatalytic Performance, J. Ceram.Soc.Jpn, 126, 847-851, 2018., IF=1.108.
  19. (Selected Paper) K. Takase, H. Nishizawa, K. Imamura, A. Onda, K. Yanagisawa*, S. Yin, Synthesis of Novel Layered Zinc Glycolate and Exchange of Ethylene Glycol with Manganese Acetate Complex, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 91, 1546-1552, 2018. doi:10.1246/bcsj.20180132, IF= 3.526.
  20. U.SULAEMAN, S. SUHENDARA, H. DIASTUTIA, A. RIAPANITRA,and S. YIN, Design of Ag3PO4 for Highly Enhanced Photocatalyst using Hydroxyapatite as a Source of Phosphate Ion, Solid State Sci.,86, 1-5, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2018.09.015,IF=1.861.
  21. R.ZHANG, Q.WANG, J.ZHANG, L.YIN, Y.Li, S.YIN, and W.CAO, Morphology Modulation of SnO Photocatalyst: from Microplate to Hierarchical Architectures Self-assembled with Thickness Controllable Nanosheets, CrystEngComm, 20,4651-4665, 2018, DOI: 10.1039/c8ce00687c; IF=3.304.
  22. H.IMAKAWA , X.WU,H.ITAHARA, S.YIN, K.KOJIMA, S.F.CHICHIBU, and T.SATO, Photocatalytic NO Removal over Calcium-bridged Siloxenes under Ultraviolet and Visible Light Irradiation, Dalton Trans., 47,7070-7076, 2018. IF=4.099.
  23. U.SULAEMAN, S. SUHENDARA, H. DIASTUTIA, A. RIAPANITRA,and S. YIN, Design of Ag3PO4 for Highly Enhanced Photocatalyst using Hydroxyapatite as a Source of Phosphate Ion, Solid State Sci.,86, 1-5, 2018. DOI:10.1142/S1793604718300049, IF=1.084.
  24. Y.Ma, Z.Zhao, J.Fan, Z.Gu, B.Zhang, and S.Yin, Ag-TON nanospheres coupled with fly ash cenospheres for wastewater treatment under visible light irradiation, Water Sci. Technol., 78,2321-2326, 2018, doi: 10.2166/wst.2018.513, IF=1.247.


総説・解説・Review (2017)   (2報)  

  1. (Review) 殷 澍、ソルボサーマルプロセスによる赤外線遮蔽材料の創製、J.Soc.Inorg.Mater.Jpn.23,  74-79, 2017.
  2. (Review)Z.ZHAO, J.FAN, H.CHANG, Y.ASAKURA, and S.YIN*, Recent Progress on Mixed-anion Type Visible-Light Induced Photocatalysts, Science China Technological Sciences,60,1447-1457,2017. DOI 10.1007/s11431-016-9022-9. IF=1.719.


Original Papers(2017) (20報)  

  1. H.LI, X.WU, S.YIN*, K.KATSUMATA, and Y.WANG, Effect of Rutile TiO2 on the Photocatalytic Performance of g-C3N4/brookite-TiO2-xNy photocatalyst for NO decomposition, Applied Surface Science392, 531–539, 2017. DOI:10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.09.075, IF=3.150.
  2. X.WU, J.WANG, G.ZHANG, K.KATSUMATA, K.YANAGISAWA, T.SATO and S.YIN*, Series of MxWO3/ZnO (M = K, Rb, NH4) Nanocomposites: Combination of Energy Saving and Environmental Decontamination Functions. Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 201, 128–136, 2017. DOI:10.1016/j.apcatb.2016.08.030, IF=9.446.
  3. X.MA, H.LI, T.LIU, S.DUA, Q.QIANG, Y.WANG, S.YIN, and T.SATO, Comparison of Photocatalytic Reaction-induced Selective Corrosionwith Photocorrosion: Impact on Morphology and Stability of Ag-ZnO. Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 201, 348-358, 2017. DOI:10.1016/j.apcatb.2016.08.029, IF=9.446.
  4. H.CHNAG, Y.CUI, W.WEI, X.LI, W.GAO, X.ZHAO, and S.YIN*, Adsorption Behavior and Wettability by Gemini Surfactants with Ester Bond at Polymer-solution-air Systems, Journal of Molecular Liquids230, 429–436, 2017. DOI:10.1016/j.molliq.2017.01.056, IF=3.648.
  5. H.ZHAO, J.M.FAN, W.H.LI, Y.Q.XUE, S.YIN*, In-situ Hydrothermal Synthesis of Ag3PO4/g-C3N4 Composite and Their Photocatalytic Decomposition of NOxJ.Alloys Compd., 695, 2812-2819, 2017. DOI:10.1016/j.molliq.2017.01.056, IF=3.133.
  6. Z.H.ZHAO, J.M.FAN, C.WANG, B.CHENG, Y.Q.XUE, and S.YIN, Preparation and Properties of Phenol Imprinted Polymers Based on Silica Modified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.17, 1504-1509, 2017.DIO:10.1166/jnn.2017.12651,.IF=1.483.
  7. A. SHI, H. LI, S. YIN, B. LIU, J. ZHANG, Y. WANG,  Effect of Conjugation Degree and Delocalized π-system on the Photocatalytic Activity of Single Layer g-C3N4,  Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 218, 137–146, 2017. DOI:10.1016/j.apcatb.2017.06.017, IF=9.446.
  8. H. ITAHARA, X.WU, H.IMAGAWA, S.YIN, K.KOJIMA, S. F. CHICHIBU and T. SATO, Photocatalytic Activity of Silicon-based Nanoflakes for the Decomposition of Nitrogen Monoxide, Dalton Trans.46, 8643–8648, 2017. DOI: 10.1039/c7dt01682d , IF=4.029.
  9. X.WU, M.LI, J.LI, G.ZHANG, S.YIN, A Sillenite-type Bi12MnO20 Photocatalyst: UV, Visible and Infrared Lights Responsive Pphotocatalytic Properties Induced by the Hybridization of Mn 3d and O 2p Orbitals, Appl. Catal. B: Environ.219, 132-141, 2017.  DOI:10.1016/j.apcatb.2017.07.025, IF=9.446.
  10. Y.YANG, S.YIN, and Y.WANG, Oxygen Vacancies Confined in SnO2 Nanoparticles for Desirable Electronic Structure and Enhanced Visible Light Photocatalytic Activity, Applied Surface Science420,399–406, 2017. DOI:10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.05.176, IF=3.387.
  11. X.WU, K.ZHNAG, G.ZHANG, S.YIN, Facile Preparation of BiOX (X = Cl, Br, I) Nanoparticles and Up-conversion Phosphors/BiOBr Composites for Efficient Degradation of NO Gas: Oxygen Vacancy Effect and Near Infrared Light Responsive Mechanism, Chem.Eng. J., 325, 59-70 2017. DOI:10.1016/j.cej.2017.05.04, IF=6.216.
  12. N.SETTHAYA, P.CHINDAPRASIRT, S.YIN, and K.PIMRAKSA, TiO2-zeolite Photocatalysts Made of Metakaolin and Rice Husk Ash for Removal of Mmethylene Blue Dye, Powd. Technol., 313, 417-426, 2017. DOI:10.1016/j.powtec.2017.01.014. IF=2.942.
  13. L.YANG, B.LIU, T.LIU, X.MA, H.LI, S.YIN, T.SATO, Y.WANG, A P25/(NH4)xWO3 Hybrid Photocatalyst with Broad Spectrum Photocatalytic Properties under UV, Visible, and Near-infrared Irradiation, Scientific Reports8, Article number 45715, 2017.  DOI:10.1038/srep45715.IF=4.269.
  14. D.XUE, H. ZHANG, Y.LIU, S. YI, L.LU, J.-H. BOO, Editorial: Advances in Rare Earth Resource Utilization and Functional Materials, Materials Research Bulletin, 96,1-,2017.
  15. Z.ZHAO, Y.LEI, W.LIU, J.FAN, D.XUE, Y.XUE, S.YIN,  Fly Ash Cenospheres as Multifunctional Supports of g-C3N4/N-TiO2 with Enhanced Visible-light Photocatalytic Activity and Adsorption, Advanced Powder Technology, 28, 3233-3240, 2017. DOI:10.1016/j.apt.2017.09.035,  IF=2.659.
  16. Kaori Takase, Hitoshi Nishizawa, Ayumu Onda, Kazumichi Yanagisawa, Shu Yin, Synthesis and characterization of glycolate precursors to MTiO3(M = Ni2+, Co2+, Zn2+), J.Asia Ceram.Soc., 5, 482–488, 2017. DOI:10.1016/j.jascer.2017.10.007, IF=2.395.
  17. Z.WAN, G.ZHANG*, X.WU, and S.YIN*, Novel visible-light-driven Z-scheme Bi12GeO20/g-C3N4 photocatalyst: Oxygen-induced pathway of organic pollutants degradation and proton assisted electron transfer mechanism of Cr(VI) reduction.Appl. Catal. B: Environ.207, 17-26, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2017.02.014, IF=11.698.
  18. SULAEMAN, B.LIU, S.YIN, T.SATO, Synthesis of Ag3PO4 using Hydrophylic Polymer and Their Photocatalytic Activities under Visible Light Irradiation, Bull. Chem.Reac. Eng. Catal., 12,206-211, 2017, DOI:10.9767/bcrec.12.2.767.206-211
  19. LIU, B. LIU, L. YANG, X. MA, H. LI, S. YIN, T. SATO, T. SEKINO Y. WANG, RGO/Ag2S/TiO2 ternary heterojunctions with highly enhanced UV-NIR photocatalytic activity and stability, Appl. Catal. B Environ., 204, 593-601, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2016.12.011, IF=11.698.
  20. LI, Y.JING, X.MA, T.LIU, L.YANG, B. LIU, S.YIN, Y. WEI, Y.WANG, Construction of a well-dispersed Ag/graphene-like g-C3N4 photocatalyst and enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity, RSC Advances, 7, 8688-8693, 2017, DOI: 10.1039/c6ra26498k, IF=2.936.


総説・解説・Review (2016)   (3報)  

  1. Y.WANG, X. MA, H. LI, B. LIU,H-H.LI S. YIN, T. SATO, Recent Advances in Visible-Light Driven Photocatalysis Advanced Catalytic Materials – Photocatalysis and Other Current Trends, ISBN 978-953-51-2244-9, edited by Luis Enrique Norena and Jin-An Wang, Chapter 2, InTech, 337-357, 2016.
  2. 殷 澍、佐藤次雄、水分子をゆっくり放出できる新規ソルボサーマルプロセス、複合素材「光る」技術集2016, p14-15.
  3. T.SATO, C.GUO, and S.YIN, Novel Tungsten Bronze Nanoparticles for Shielding Near Infrared Ray and Decreasing CO2 Emission, Energy, Transportation and Global WarmingGreen Energy and Technology, P. Grammelis (ed.) Springer , pp 349-354, 2016.


Original Papers(2016)  (7報)  

  1. M.HAMANAKA, K.IMAKAWA, M.YOSHIDA, Z.ZHAO, S.YIN*, X.WU, Y.HUANG, J.WU, T.SATO, Synthesis and Gas Sensing Properties of SnO2Nanoparticles with Different Morphologies, J Porous Mater.23, 1189-1196, 2016. DOI 10.1007/s10934-016-0177-0, IF=1.385.
  2. J.MATSUSHITA*, T.TSUCHIYAMA, K.HAMAGUCHI, N.IWAMOTO, X.WANG, J.YANG, T.SEKINO, X.WU, S.YIN, and T.SATO, Anatase Type Titanium Dioxide Prepared by Oxidation of Titanium Carbide, Materials Science Forum, 860, 92-96, 2016.
  3. J.FAN, Z.ZHAO, W.LIU, Y.XUE, and S.YIN, Solvothermal Synthesis of Different Phase N-TiO2 and Their Kinetics, Isotherm and Thermodynamic Studies on the Adsorption of Methyl Orange, J.Colloid Interface Sci., 470, 229-236, 2016, DOI:10.1016/j.jcis.2016.02.045, IF=4.233
  4. Uyi SULAEMAN*, Febiyanto FEBIYANTO, Shu YIN, Tsugio SATO, The Highly Active Saddle-like Ag3PO4 Photocatalyst under Visible Light Irradiation, Catalysis Communications 85, 22–25, 2016.DOI:10.1016/j.catcom.2016.07.001, IF=3.33.
  5. J.MATSUSHITA*, T.SATSUKUWA, N.IWAMOTO, X.WANG,J.YANG, T.GOTO, T.SEKINO, X.WU, S.YIN, and T.SATO, Oxidation of Pentatitanium Trisilicide (Ti5Si3) Powder at High Temperature, Materials Science Forum868, 38-42, 2016.
  6. T.LIU, B. LIU, J. WANG, L. YANG, X. MA, H. LI, Y. ZHNAG, S. YIN, T. SATO, T. SEKINO, and Y.WANG, Smart Window Coating Based on F-TiO2-KxWO3Nanocomposites with Heat Shielding, Ultraviolet Isolating, Hydrophilic and Photocatalytic Performance, Scientific Reports6:27373, 2016. | DOI: 10.1038/srep27373, IF=5.228.
  7. H.LI, S.YIN, T.SATO, and Y.WANG, Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance of Luminescent g-C3N4 Photocatalyst in Darkroom, Nanoscale Research Letters11,91, 2016, DOI:10.1186/s11671-016-1303-2, IF=2.833.

Research (2016.4~)へ戻る