Our Research 研究内容
様々な機能性物質が示す新奇物性の構造的起源 (構造物性) についての研究活動を行っています。
Structural Physics and Crystal Physics laboratory is actively working on quantum beam experiments, such as synchrotron X-ray, neutron, and μSR in order to pursue a basic research on topics at the solid-state physics, chemistry, and engineering.
Our research topics are novel magnetisms, ferroelectricity, multiferroicity, superconductivity, and strongly-correlated electronic properties.
By observing the microscopic structures using quantum beams, we have clarified the mechanism of the macroscopic phenomena.
We are also carrying out:
・searching for new compounds using a high-pressure synthesis method HP
・development of measurement technology and equipment
左から、JRR-3 FONDER、KEK-PF、超高圧合成セル(Kawai式)
Recent Findings 最近の研究テーマ
・マルチプローブを用いたマルチフェロイック特性の微視的発現機構の解明 記事
・超高圧合成法を用いた新奇物性を示す新規遷移金属酸化物の探索 記事1 記事2
・遷移金属化合物の量子スピンや電子物性に注目した構造物性研究 記事