[1/25] 3rd International Mini-Symposium on Surface Forces on January 25

Date :2016/1/25 10:00-17:30
Place:AIMR main building (2nd floor meeting room)

We would like to announce that 3rd International Mini-Symposium on Surface Forces will be held on Jan. 25th, at AIMR main building (2nd floor meeting room). The purpose of this symposium is to discuss recent progress and future prospects of surface forces measurement and related subjects such as soft matter physics and nano material science.
You are welcome to join us. Thank you.

Kazue Kurihara and Motohiro Kasuya


10:00 Motoko Kotani (Tohoku University, Japan)
Opening Remarks, Introduction of WPI-AIMR
10:10 Derek Y C Chan (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
The Hydrophobic Interaction between Hard and Soft Surfaces
10:50 Shigeru Deguchi (JAMSTEC, Japan)
Pressure-Dependent Structural Change of 2D Colloidal Array
in Supercritical Ethanol
11:30 Cathy McNamee (Shinshu University, Japan)
Forces of Langmuir monolayers of particles at air/liquid interfaces
12:00 Poster Session and Lunch
13:30 Suzanne Giasson (Universite de Montreal, Canada)
Design, Structure, and Properties of Micro/Nano Structured Multi-Responsive Surfaces
14:10 Kazue Kurihara (Tohoku University, Japan)
Surface Forces Measurement for Materials Science
14:50 Filippo Federici Canova (Aalto University, Finland)
Liquids-Machine learning for lubricant optimisation
15:20 Coffee Break
15:50 William Ducker (Virginia Tech, USA)
Lubrication Forces and the Flow of Air Over Solid Surfaces:
Can They Be Manipulated By Changes In The Flow Boundary Condition?
16:30 Masashi Mizukami (Tohoku University, Japan)
Surface Forces Measurement for Studying Solid-Liquid Interfaces
and Confined Liquids
17:30 Banquet





Kazue Kurihara and Motohiro Kasuya
tel&fax: ++81-(0)22-217-6152