Awards & Others /その他

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Awards & Others  /その他

Research (2016.4~)へ戻る

受賞until 2016.3


Award from 2016.4


  1. 殷 澍(Shu YIN), Rare Earth Resource Utilization Research Award, 希土類資源利用研究賞, ISRERU-4 & ISFM-7, (16-19 Aug., 2016, Changchun, China), (2016.8.18
  2. 殷 澍(Shu YIN)、Best Presentation Award, TAM session, ISRERU-4 & ISFM-7, (16-19 Aug., 2016, Changchun, China), (2016.8.18)
  3. Hermawan, Angga (Yin-Lab), 「籏野奨学基金」第11回多元物質科学研究奨励賞、受賞タイトル:アンモニアガスでの直接窒化による形態制御可能な窒化物の合成,(2016.12.8)
  4. 小松田紫央、ISEPD2017国際会議(The 18th International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design (ISEPD2017), Best Poster Award, Okiknawa, = S. KOMATSUDA, Y. ASAKURA, S. YIN, N-TiO2 / F-TiO2 Nanocomposite with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity under Visible Light Irradiation.(2017.2.19)
  5. 小松田紫央 、新学術領域研究若手スクール研究提案賞 = 「N-TiO2 / F-TiO2 Nanocomposite 」.(2017.8.7)
  6. 野田千暁、平成29年度日本セラミックス協会東北北海道支部研究発表会優秀発表賞、=野田千暁、朝倉裕介、殷シュウ、カーボンドープ酸化チタンを基とした複合型光触媒の機能評価、(2017.11.1)
  7. Angga Hermawan、The 34th International Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics (JK-Ceramics34、Hamamatsu, 22-25 Nov., 2017)Best Poster Presentation Award=Angga HERMAWAN, Yusuke ASAKURA, Shu YIN、Hydrogen Gas Sensing Properties of AlN and GaN Prepared by Direct Nitridation(2017.11.24)
  8. 野田千暁、「籏野奨学基金」第12回多元物質科学研究奨励賞、受賞タイトル:複合アニオン化合物・二次元層状物質のコンポジット材料の合成および機能評価、(2017.12.5)
  9. 朝倉裕介、ISHA Best Ph.D. Thesis Award(ISHA国際ソルボサーマル・ハイドロサーマル協会、会長:Richard Riman | Rutgers University, 2018.8.10)
  10. 殷 澍 、「Rare Earth Resource Utilization Science & Technology Award」、The 5th International Symposium on Rare Earth Resource(ISRERU-5, Changchun, China.2018.09.14)
  11. アンガ ヘルマワン(講演奨励賞), 朝倉裕介, 殷 澍, CuOナノ粒子を修飾したSnO2マイクロ球状粒子のトルエンガス応答機能の向上(Improvement of toluene gas sensing response of SnO2 microspheres after CuO nanoparticles decoration), 無機マテリアル学会第137回講演会, 豊橋、(2018.11.16)
  12. 中村美珠々、「籏野奨学基金」第18回多元物質科学研究奨励賞(2018.12.14)
  13. 西村侑希保、「籏野奨学基金」第18回多元物質科学研究奨励賞(2018.12.14)
  14. 王靖雯、「籏野奨学基金」第18回多元物質科学研究奨励賞(2018.12.14)
  15. 王靖雯、第57回セラミックス基礎科学討論会国際セッション優秀発表賞(Good Presentation Award)(2019.1.16)1D13, 王靖雯, 朝倉裕介,殷 澍, 『Zinc germanium oxynitride with various nanostructures synthesized through hydro/solvothermal reaction』
  16. (JACERAS, The 2018 Best Paper Award) A. HERMAWAN, H. SON, Y. ASAKURA, T. MORI, S. YIN*, Synthesis of Morphology Controllable Aluminum Nitride by Direct Nitridation of γ-AlOOH in the Presence of N2H4 and their Sintering Behavior, J.Asian Ceram. Soc., 6, 63-69, 2018, DOI: 10.1080/21870764.2018.1439611 (2019.6.28)
  17. 殷 澍 、The 5th International Symposium on Microscopy and Microanalysis of Materials (ISMMM2019, Beijing, China.2019.07.10-12)、「Outstanding Contribution Award」(2019.7.11)
  18. 王靖雯、 東北大学環境科学研究科「PMSE:Professional Master for Sustainable Environment」に認定された(2019.9)。
  19. Anung Riapanitra、東北大学環境科学研究科「PDSE: Professional Director for Sustainable Environment」に認定された(2019.9)。
  20. A. HERMAWAN(D2), 令和元年度環境科学研究科奨学賞, Highly responsive toluene detection based on CuO nanoparticle/Ti3C2Tx MXene sandwich structure, 2019.9.18
  21. 朝倉裕介、Presentation Award, 2019 International Conference on Nanospace Materials, 「Synthesis of Nanostructured Nitrides by Nitridation of Precursors Designed Precisely」(2019.10.4
  22. 殷 澍、中国希土類学会希土類結晶部門「2019年学術賞」、受賞内容:「希土類材料の機能性発現」 「Academic Achievements Award 2019」(2019.10.22)
  23. 大友真由、多元物質科学研究所所長賞、「YMnO3系酸素貯蔵材料の合成と評価」2019.12.13
  24. Ardiansyah Taufilk、籏野奨学基金第14回多元物質科学研究奨励賞、2D-MoS2ベース機能材料の環境における応用、2019.12.13
  25. Chen Tingru、籏野奨学基金第14回多元物質科学研究奨励賞、酸素貯蔵材料の合成と特性評価、2019.12.13
  26. Zijing Wang,「第10回セラミックス協会MFD研究会」マテリアル・ファブリケーション・デザイン研究会 MFD最優秀発表賞。受賞タイトル:Design and synthesis of CoP/Co2P@Ti3C2 nanocomposites as anode with a high cyclic stability in lithium-ion batteries. 2020.3.4
  27. Shu YIN、Springer社、Tungsten誌、受賞内容: 「Tungsten Outstanding Board Member in 2019」(2020.6.18)
  28. 王靖雯、東北大学藤野先生記念奨励賞、2020.9.25
  29. 王靖雯、東北大学第二回環境科学討論会、Best Poster Award, 2020.11.30 (Jinwen Wang, Takuya Hasegawa, Yusuke Asakura and Shu Yin, Enhanced visible-light photocatalytic deNOx activity of N-doped La2Ti2O7 nanocrystals: effect of morphology control and nitrogen concentration)
  30. 大友真由、東北大学第二回環境科学討論会、Best Poster Award, 2020.11.30(大友真由、長谷川拓哉、朝倉裕介、殷澍、R0.25Y0.75MnO3+δ(R=Er, Y, Dy, Tb, Gd)の合成とOSC評価)
  31. (Tungsten, The 2019 Excellent Paper Award) S.Yin* and Y. Asakura, Recent research progress on mixed valence state tungsten based materials, Tungsten1, 5-18, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s42864-019-00001-0. (Review Article, Cover page ) (2021.1.14)
  32. (APT Distinguished Paper Award)A.Taufik, Y. Asakura, H. Kato, M. Kakihana, R. Saleh, T. Sekino, S. Yin*, 1T/2H-MoS2 engineered by in-situ ethylene glycol intercalation for improved toluene sensing response at room temperature, Adv.Powder Technol.,31, 1863-1878, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.apt.2020.02.022, (2021.4.6)
  33. A.Taufik (D3), Professional Director for Sustainable Environment (PDSE) 2021, 東北大学環境科学研究科(2021.9.24)
  34. 劉涵宇、令和3年度化学系学協会東北大会(郡山大会)20211002 (郡山)ポスター賞HYLiu、ポスター受賞、劉涵宇、長谷川拓哉、朝倉祐介、殷澍、Solvothermal synthesis of ion doped tungsten suboxide and its optical property、化学系学協会東北大会、ポスター、郡山、2021.10.2-3, 1P012(2021.10.2)
  35. 半谷泰生、「籏野奨学基金」第16回多元物質科学研究奨励賞、受賞タイトル:ダウンコンバージョン型ナノ蛍光体の合成と太陽電池への応用、(2021.12.10)Hangai20211210
  36. 吉澤千夏、「籏野奨学基金」第16回多元物質科学研究奨励賞、受賞タイトル:層状ジカルコゲナイドを前駆体とした酸化物ナノシートの合成、(2021.12.10)Yoshizawa20211210
  37. 王靖雯、第35回セラミックス協会秋季シンポジウムマテリアル・ファブリケーション・デザイン研究会奨励賞(Incentive Award)、 (J.Wang, H.Hasegawa, Y.Asakura, S.Yin, Molten salt flux synthesis of defective CaSnO3 with tailoring morphology and enhanced photocatalytic activity)(2N25, 2022.9.15徳島)
  38. 半谷泰生、「令和4年度化学系学協会東北大会」「ポスター賞」〇Taisei Hangai, Takuya Hasegawa,Takayuki Nakanishi, Nakanishi, Takashi Takeda, Takeda, Shu Yin、「Solvothermal synthesis and NIR luminescence of RE2MoO6:Bi,Yb(RE=Gd,Y,Lu) nanophosphor」(2022.9.17)
  39. 王靖雯、東北大学環境科学研究科「PDSE: Professional Director for Sustainable Environment」に認定された(2022.9)。
  40. 野田紗伽、「籏野奨学基金」第17回多元物質科学研究奨励賞、受賞タイトル:希土類遷移金属酸化物のフルオロエレクトロクロミズム(2022.12.5)
  41. 殷 澍, Innovation Award of Multiscale Functional Materials, Synthesis of Multiscale Oxide Particles by Water Controlled Release Solvothermal Process (WCRSP), International Symposium on Advances in Multiscale Functional Materials 2023 (Shenzhen & On-line), (2023.1.13)
  42. 長谷川拓哉、第77回セラミック協会進歩賞、酸化物をホスト結晶とした新規赤色蛍光体の開発,
  43. 野田紗伽(Suzuka NODA), Takuya Hasegawa, Ayahisa Okawa, Shu Yin, Morphology control of Eu3+-activated layered molybdate phosphors, The 80th Anniversary Symposium of the Tohoku Branch Chemical Society, Inorganic/Analytical/Environmental Chemistryセッション, Excellent Poster Awards, 2023.9.8
  44. 程秋雨(Qiuyu CHENG), A. OKAWA, T. HASEGAWA, S. YIN, Solution process-based synthesis of YMnO3 and its application as pigment, The 80th Anniversary Symposium of the Tohoku Branch Chemical Society、Inorganic/Analytical/Environmental Chemistryセッション, Excellent Poster Awards, 2023.9.10
  45. Rini Larasati(Poster Award), Ayahisa Okawa, Takuya Hasegawa, and Shu Yin, Synthesis and Characterization of Ag3PO4/WS2 for Photodegradation of Dyes Contaminant. 第5回 環境科学討論会(5th Academic Forum on Environmental Studies), 2023.10.27, A-16
  46. JIN QIUYU(Poster Award), Lei Miao, Ayahisa Okawa, Takuya Hasegawa, and Shu Yin, VOC Gas Sensing Performance of Cs0.33WO3 Nanoparticles in Air and Nitrogen Base Gases,第5回環境科学討論会(5th Academic Forum on Environmental Studies), 2023.10.27, C-16
  47. 坂本大輔(Daisuke Sakamoto)(秀発表賞); 坂本大輔、大川采久、長谷川拓哉、上川忠治、殷シユウ、炭化ニオブMXeneの短時間合成と室温作動型ガスセンサへの展開, 令和5年度東北北海道支部研究発表会, 2023.11.2-3.長岡
  48. (JMST2023 Excellent Article Award, 2023.11.16) Z.Wang, F. Wang, A. Hermawan, Y. Asakura, T. Hasegawa, H. Kumagai, H. Kato, M. Kakihana, J. Zhu and S. Yin*, SnO-SnO2 Modified Two-Dimensional MXene Ti3C2Tx for Acetone Gas Sensor Working at Room Temperature, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 73, 128-138, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmst.2020.07.040, IF=10.9.
  49. 大川采久、「籏野奨学基金」第18回多元物質科学研究奨励賞、受賞タイトル:Yb2Si2O7/SiC複合体の自己修復メカニズムと強靭化機構, R5.12.8
  50. 程 秋雨(D1)、「籏野奨学基金」第18回多元物質科学研究奨励賞、受賞タイトル:着色フレーク状粒子の合成と真珠光沢のある顔料としての応用,R5.12.8
  51. Yibei XUE(D3), ”Best Presentation Award”,  Japan Chapter of the American Ceramics Society, The International Session at the 62nd Symposium on Basic Science of Ceramics (Jan. 7-8, 20214, Sophia University, Japan).  〇 Yibei XUE, Lei MIAO, Takuya HASEGAWA, Ayahisa OKAWA, Shu YIN, Hydrothermal synthesis and thermochromic properties of VO2(M1) under the influence of alkaline additives.


Domestic/International Conference Committee/ Organizer (from 2016.4)

  1. (S.YIN)Functional Materials Society( Chair of Japan Chapter,本部:シンガポール, 2014-)
  2. (S.YIN) American Science Publishers (ASP), Mater. Focus誌 アソシエートエディター(Editorial Board,  Associate Editor)
  3. (S.YIN) American Science Publishers (ASP), Energy Environ. Focus誌 (Editorial Board, International Editorial Board Members)
  4. (S.YIN) Functional Materials Letters誌 編集委員(Editorial Board, from 2015.12)
  5. (S.YIN) Tech-connection of Advanced Materials(TAM), General Committee Member (2014-2016), TAM Fellow(2015-)
  6. (S.YIN) H25-H28 無機マテリアル学会評議員
  7. (S.YIN) H28-H29 無機リン化学会評議員
  8. (S.YIN) H28-H29 無機リン化学会Phosphorus Research Bulletin (PRB誌) Associate Editor
  9. (S.YIN) H28日本セラミックス協会東北北海道支部宮城地区幹事
  10. (S.YIN) 組織委員会メンバー, 第55回セラミックス基礎科学討論会、岡山2017年1月12-13,
  11. (S.YIN) 平成29年度日本セラミックス協会東北北海道支部研究発表会現地実行委員会メンバー、2017.11.1-11.2
  12. (S.YIN) 次世帯自動車宮城県エリア 研究推進委員会委員 (H28)
  13. (S.YIN) 日本セラミックス協会2018年年会現地実行委員会メンバー、2017, 3.15-3.17, 仙台
  14. 日本セラミックス協会PACRIM13(2019, 沖縄) Steering Committee実行委員会メンバー
  15. (S.YIN)第28回日本MRS年次大会、B-4 : 環境・エネルギー物質、デバイス、プロセス, Co-Organizers、北九州,2018.12.18-12.20
  16. (S.YIN) Guest Editor, Frontiers in Advanced Functional Materials, Edited by Jin-Hyo Boo, Eun Ha Choi, Hyojun Ahn, Lu Li, Dongfeng Xue, Shu Yin, Tae-hyun Nam and Jiman Kim, Materials Research Bulletin, Volume 82, Pages 1-142 (October 2016)
  17. (S.YIN) Organizing Committee, CJK2016 Onyang-Korea Conference, The Joint International Conference of CJK2016 in association with the Global, Research Laboratory seminar and the ISO/TC107 workshop”May 19-23, 2016, Onyang Hot Spring Hotel,Asan, Korea
  18. (S.YIN) Organizing Committee, 5th Advanced Functional Materials and Devices, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, China, 12th ~ 14th August, 2016
  19. (S.YIN) Vice Chairman, Organizing Committee, The 4th International Symposium on Rare Earth Resource Utilization (ISRERU-4), The 7th International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM-7), Changchun, China, 16-19 August 2016
  20. (S.YIN) Guest Editor, Frontiers in Advanced Functional Materials, Edited by Jin-Hyo Boo, Eun Ha Choi, Hyojun Ahn, Lu Li, Dongfeng Xue, Shu Yin, Tae-hyun Nam and Jiman Kim, Materials Research Bulletin, Volume 82, Pages 1-142 (October 2016)
  21. (S.YIN) Academic Committee, Session Chair, The 18th International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design, (ISEPD2017) Feb.18-20, 2017, Okinawa, Japan.
  22. (S.YIN) Program & Publication Committee, 2017 International Forum on Functional Materials (IFFM2017), June 27-29, 2017, Jeju, Korea.
  23. (S.YIN) Steering Committee, Organizing Committee, International Advisory Board, TAM-3 Joint Conference, 2017 International Forum on Functional Materials (IFFM2017), June 27-29, 2017, Jeju, Korea.
  24. Program Chair.2017 2nd International Conference on Composite Materials and Material Engineering (ICCMME2017), February 17-19, 2017. Chengdu, China
  25. (S.YIN) International Advisory Committee, The 7th Advanced Functional Materials and Devices(AFMD2017), Dec.18-23, 2017, Havana, Cuba.
  26. (S.YIN) Co-organizer, Session Chair, 19th International Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design, Expo on Environment-friendly Surface Engineering Technologies (ISEPD2018), Feb. 21–25.2018, Jaipur Marriott Hotel, Jaipur, India.
  27. (S.YIN) Symposium ChairISHA2018国際シンポジウム,
  28. (S.YIN) International Advisory Committee, The 8th Advanced Functional Materials and Devices(AFMD2018), Aug.17-19, 2018, Leuven, Belgium
  29. (S.YINInternational Advisory Committee, The 8th International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM-8), Aachen, Germany, 20-24 August 2018
  30. (Anung Riapanitra) Students Organizers, Tohoku University’s Chemistry Summer School 2018, Sendai, Aug.27-28, 2018.
  31. (S.YINInternational Advisory Committee, The International Symposium on Rare Earth Resource Utilization (ISRERU), Changchun China, 13-16 Sep., 2018
  32. (S.YIN) Conference Co-Chair, 2018 International Conference on Functional Materials (ICFM 2018) Shanghai, China, 15-18 Sep. 2018
  33. (S.YIN)International Scientific Committee, The 23rd International Conference on Semiconductor Photocatalysis & Solar Energy Conversion (SPASEC-23); The 24th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air and Soil (AOTs-24), Shanghai, November 5-8, 2018.
  34. (S.YIN)Academic Committee, Session Chair, Publication Committee (Guest Editor), The 18th International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design, (ISEPD2019) Jan.4-7, Asan, Korea.
  35. (S.YIN)Program Committee Chair, 2019 4th International Conference on Composite Materials and Material Engineering, Jan, 19-22, Tokyo(ICCMME2019)
  36. (S.YIN)日本セラミックス協会2019年基礎討論会、現地実行委員会メンバー、仙台、1.16-17
  37. (S.YIN)Program Chair, 4th International Conference on Composite Materials and Material Engineering (ICCMME2019) and 2019 2nd International Conference on Smart Materials Applications (ICSMA 2019), Jan.19-22, 2019, Tokyo.
  38. (S.YIN)Program & Publication Committee, IFFM2019, Gangneung city, Korea, June 24 -26, 2019.
  39. (S.YIN)Session Organizer, 2nd Global Forum on Advanced Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Development (GFMAT-2) combined with 4th International Conference on Innovations in Biomaterials, Biomanufacturing, and Biotechnologies (Bio-4); G5: Advanced Functional Materials, Devices, and Systems for Environmental Conservation, Pollution Control and Critical Materials; July 22-26, 2019, Toronto, Canada.
  40. (S.YIN) Steering Committee member, Session co-organizer, Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies 13 (PACRIM13), Okinawa, Oct.27-31, 2019
  41. (S.YIN) ISEPD2020 Organizing Committee, Academic Committee, Session co-organizer, The 21st International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design, (ISEPD2020) Jan. 12-15, 2020. Yantai China
  42. (S.YIN) ISFM2021 International Organizing Committee, The 8th ICMAP & The 9th ISFM, January 17-20, 2021 On/Off-line Jeju
  43. (S.YIN)ISHA Council, Executive Members, International Advisory Committee, The 7th International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association Conference (ISHA2021), Oct.26-28,2021, (Virtual Conference, Mexico)
  44. (S.YIN)Session Organizer, PACRIM14, Vancouver,Canda , May 23-28, 2021. ( S12:  S12: Specific Reaction Field and Material Fabrication Design.
  45. (S.YIN)Session Chair, Advanced Eco-Materials , International Conference on Frontier Materials 2021( IFFM2022, May28-30, Zhuhai, China(Online)),
  46. ISFM2023, Sendai, Japan, Aug.8-11, 2023.延期予定
  47. 第147回、無機マテリアル学会学術講演会(仙台)2023.11.9-11.10