Vinda Puspasariさん(D2)、Rini Larasatiさん(D1)がISEPD2025(2025.1.13-16)国際会議における口頭発表を行い、(Best Student Oral Presentation Award)を受賞しました。おめでとうございます。
- R.Larasati, A.Okawa, T. HASEGAWA,. S.YIN Preparation of Ag3PO4 and Its Heterojunction Structure withTransition Metal Dichalcogenides for Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance, The 23rd International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design, (ISEPD2025) Jan.13-16, Osaka, Japan.
- V.Puspasari, A.Okawa, T. HASEGAWA,. S.YIN Synthesis of Cs0.33WO3-g-C3N4-rGO Nanocomposite for Transparent Thermal Insulation and Photocatalysis Application, The 23rd International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design, (ISEPD2025) Jan.13-16, Osaka, Japan.