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Vindaさん、RiniさんがISEPD2025国際会議におけるBest Student Oral Presentation Awardを受賞

Vinda Puspasariさん(D2)、Rini Larasatiさん(D1)がISEPD2025(2025.1.13-16)国際会議における口頭発表を行い、(Best Student Oral Presentation Award)を受賞しました。おめでとうございます。



  1. R.Larasati, A.Okawa, T. HASEGAWA,. S.YIN Preparation of Ag3PO4 and Its Heterojunction Structure withTransition Metal Dichalcogenides for Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance, The 23rd International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design, (ISEPD2025) Jan.13-16, Osaka, Japan.
  2. V.Puspasari, A.Okawa, T. HASEGAWA,. S.YIN Synthesis of Cs0.33WO3-g-C3N4-rGO Nanocomposite for Transparent Thermal Insulation and Photocatalysis Application, The 23rd International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design, (ISEPD2025) Jan.13-16, Osaka, Japan.
