
TOPページ >  Seminar >  論文紹介2014

 No.36 2015.3.16
論文Microsecond Folding and Domain Motions of a Spider Silk Protein Structural Switch
Julia Ries et al.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 17136-17144

 No.35 2015.3.9
論文Dynamics of translation by single ribosomes through mRNA secondary structures
Chunlai Chen et al.
Nature structural & molecular biology


 No.34 2015.2.23
論文The assembly dynamics of the cytolytic pore toxin ClyA
Stephan Benke et al.
Nature Communications (2015)


 No.33 2015.2.16
論文The heat released during catalytic turnover enhances the diffusion of an enzyme
Clement Riedel et al.
Nature 517, 227-230, 2015

 No.32 2015.2.2
論文Protein conformational dynamics dicate the binding affinity for a ligand
Noon-Hyeong Seo et al.
Nature Communications 5, Article number:3724,2014

 No.31 2015.1.26
論文: Modulation of folding energy landscape by charge-charge interactions: Linking experiments with computational modeling
Franco O. Tzul et al.
PNAS,2015, E259-E266

 No.30 2015.1.19
担当者:Subekti Rendra Graha Dwiky
論文The Covalent Trimethoprim Chemical tag Facilitates Single Molecule Imaging with Organic Fluophores
tracy Y. Wang et al.
Biophysical Journal, Volume 106, january 2014, 272-278

 No.29 2015.1.5
論文:Nonuniform chain collapse during early stages of staphylococcal nuclease folding detected by fluorescence resonance energy transfer and ultrarapid mixing methods.
Mizukami T et al.
Protein Sci. 2013 Oct;22 (10):1336-48

 No.28 2014.12.15
論文:Interaction of p53 with the CCT Complex Promotes Protein Folding and Wild-Ype p53 Activity
Antonio Garcia Trinidad et al.
Molecular Cell,2013

 No.27 2014.12.8
論文:A viral packaging motor varies its DNA rotation and step size to preserve subunit coordination as the capsid fills
Shixin Liu et al.
Cell, 2014

 No.26 2014.11.17
論文:Single-molecule spectroscopy reveals chaperone-mediated expansion of substrate protein
Ruth Kellner et al.
PNAS,vol.111, no.37 (2014)

 No.25 2014.11.10
論文:Protein painting reveals solvent-excluded drug targets hidden within native protein-protein interfaces
Alessandra Luchini et al.
Nature Communications, 5:4413, doi: 10.1038, ncomms5413 (2014)

 No.24 2014.10.27
論文:Dari Field Microspectroscopy with Single Molecule Fluorescence Sensitivity
Alexander Weigel et al.
ACS Photonics, 2014,1(9),pp 848-856

 No.23 2014.10.20
論文:Energetically significant networks of coupled interactions within an unfolded protein
Jae-Hyun Cho et al.
PNAS, 2014,vol.111, no.33, 12079-12084

 No.22 2014.10.6
論文:Evidence for close side-chain packing in an early protein folding intermediate previously assumed to be a molten globule
Rosen, Laura E. et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2014) 201410630

 No.21 2014.9.22
論文:Micron-scale coherence in interphase chromatin dynamics
Alexandra Zidovska et al.
PNAS, 2013, Sep 24;110(39):15555-60

 No.20 2014.9.8
論文:Structure and Flexibility of Nanoscale Protein Cages Designed by Symmetric Self-Assembly
Yen-Ting Lai et al.
JACS, 2013, 135, 7738-7743

 No.19 2014.9.1
論文:How environmental solution conditions determine the compaction velocity of single DNA molecules
ken Hirano et al.
Nucleic. Acids Research, 2011, 1-6

 No.18 2014.8.25
論文:Subdomain-Specific Collapse of Denatured Staphylococcal Nuclease Revealed by Single Molecule Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Measurements
Pengcheng Liu et al.
J. Phys. Chem. B (2009) 113,12030-12036

 No.17 2014.8.18
論文:A New Protein-Protein Interaction Sensor Based on Tripartite Split-GFP Association
Stephanie Cabantous et al.
Scientific Reports (2013)

 No.16 2014.8.4
論文:Redefining the Dry Molten Globule State of Proteins
Sabine Neumaier and Thomas Kiefhaber
J. Mol. Biol. (2014) 426,2520-2528

 No.15 2014.7.28
担当者:Subekti Rendra Graha Dwiky
論文:Protein activity regulation by conformational entropy
Shiou0Ru Tzeng & Charalampos G. kalodimos
Nature, Vol.488, 236-240 (2012)

 No.14 2014.7.14
論文:Visualizing transient protein-folding intermediates by tryptophan-scanning mutagenesis
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, Vol.19 (2012)

 No.13 2014.7.7
論文:Active Cage Mechanism of Chaperonin-Assisted Protein Folding Demonstrated at Single-Molecule Level
Amit J. Gupta et al.
Journal of molecular biology (2014) in press

 No.12 2014.6.30
論文:Single-molecule spectroscopy reveals polymer effects of disordered proteins in crowded environments
Andrea Soranno et al.
PNAS, vol.111, no.13, 4874-4879

 No.11 2014.6.23
論文:Probing Allostery Through DNA
Sangjin Kim et al.
SCIENCE, vol.339

 No.10 2014.6.16
論文:Accounting for a mirror-image congormation as a subtle effect in protein folding
Khatuna Kachlishvili et al.
PNAS, Early Edition

 No.9 2014.6.9
論文:Digital microfluidic assay for protein detection
Janine Mok et al.
PNAS (2014) 111(6) 2110-2115

 No.8 2014.6.2
論文:Remodeling of the Folding Free Energy Landscape of Staphylococcal Nuclease by Cavity-Creating Mutantions
Julien Roshe et al.
Biochemistry, (2012) Nov.27 ; 51 (47):9535-46

 No.7 2014.5.26
論文: One-Pot Synthesis of DNA-CdTe:Zn2+ Nanocrystals using Na2TeO3 as the Te source
Cuiling Zhang Ji Yan et al.
ACS Appl. Mater.Interfaces (2014), 6, 3189-3194

 No.6 2014.5.19
論文:Automated, high-throughput platform for protein solubility screening using a split-GFP system
Pawel Listwan et al.
J Struct Funct Genomics (2009) 10:47-55

 No.5 2014.5.12
論文:An infrared reporter to detect spatiotemporal dynamics of protein-protein interactions
Emmanuelle Tchekanda et al.
Nature Methods (2014)

 No.4 2014.4.28
担当者: 阿蘇裕樹
論文:Nano-Analysis fo DNA Conformation Changes Induced by Transcription Factor Complex Binding Using Plasmonic nanodimers
hiroyuki Morimura et al.
ACS NANO, vol7. no.12. 10733-10740, 2013

 No.3 2014.4.22
担当者: 伊藤優志
論文:Protein analysis by time-resolved measurements with an electro-switchable DNA chip
Andreas Langer et al.
Nature Comunications, 2013, DOI:10.1038/ncomms3099

 No.2 2014.4.14
担当者: 村田崇人
論文:Self-reproduction of supramolecular giant vesicles combined with the amplification of encapsulated DNA
Kensuke Kurihara et al.
Nature Chemistry, Vol.3, October 2011, 775-781

  No.1 2014.4.7
担当者: 齊藤雅嵩
論文:Effect of Internal Cavities on Folding Rates and Routes Revealed by Real-Time Pressure-Jump NMR Spectroscopy
Julien Roche et al.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 14610-14618