
TOPページ >  Achievements >  2011年~2020年


  • Subekti D. R. G., *Kamagata K.“The disordered DNA-binding domain of p53 is indispensable for forming an encounter complex to and jumping along DNABiochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 534, 21-26, 2021. 
  • *Kamagata K., Ouchi K., Tan C., Mano E., Mandali S., Wu Y., Takada S., Takahashi S., *Johnson R. C.,
    The HMGB chromatin protein Nhp6A can bypass obstacles when traveling on DNA, Nucleic Acids Research, 48, 10820-10831, 2020.   
  • Nobuo Shimamoto, Mikito Toda, Shigetoshi Nara, Tamiki Komatsuzaki, Kiyoto Kamagata, Takashi Kinebuchi & Tomizawa
    “Dependence of DNA length on binding affinity between TrpR and trpO of DNAScientific Reports10, 15624, 2020. 
  • Subekti D. R. G., Murata A., Itoh Y., Takahashi S., Kamagata K.,Transient binding and jumping dynamics of p53 along DNA revealed by sub-millisecond resolved single-molecule fluorescence trackingScientific Reports10, 13697, 2020. 
  • Muraoka T, Noguchi D, Kasai RS, Sato K, Sasaki R, Tabata KV, Ekimoto T, Ikeguchi M, Kamagata K, Hoshino N, Noji H, Akutagawa T, Ichimura K, Kinbara K.,”A synthetic ion channel with anisotropic ligand response.”, Nat Commun. 2020 Jun 10;11(1):2924.
  • Kamagata K*,  Itoh Y, Subekti DRG

    How p53 Molecules Solve the Target DNA Search Problem: A Review int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21(3), 1031


  • Kiyoto Kamagata*, Saori Kanbayashi, Masaya Honda, Yuji Itoh, Hiroto Takahashi, Tomoshi Kameda, Fumi Nagatsugi, and Satoshi Takahashi“Liquid-like droplet formation by tumor suppressor p53 induced by multivalent electrostatic interactions between two disordered domains” Scientific Reports 10, 580 (2020)


  • Kiyoto Kamagata, Eriko Mano, Yuji Itoh,, Takuro Wakamoto, Ryo Kitahara, Saori Kanbayashi, Hiroto Takahashi, Agato Murata, Tomoshi Kameda,“Rational design using sequence information only produces a peptide that binds to the intrinsically disordered region of  p53”, Scientific Reports, 9,8584 (2019)


  • Hiroyuki Oikawa,  Takumi Takahashi,  Supawich Kamonprasertsuk  and  Satoshi Takahashi, “Microsecond resolved single-molecule FRET time series measurements based on the line confocal optical system combined with hybrid photodetectors”Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 3277-3285 DOI: 10.1039/C7CP06268K
  • Kamagata K., Mano E., Ouchi K., Kanbayashi S., Johnson R.C., “High Free-Energy Barrier of 1D Diffusion Along DNA by Architectural DNA-Binding Proteins”, J.Mol.Biol., 430,655-667.(2018)
  • Satoshi Takahashi, Aya Yoshida, Hiroyuki Oikawa, “Hypothesis: structural heterogeneity of the unfolded proteins originating from the coupling of the local clusters and the long-range distance distribution”, Biophysical Reviews, 10(2), 363-373, 2018.
  • Itoh Y.,Murata A.,  *Takahashi S., *Kamagata K., “Intrinsically disordered domain of tumor suppressor p53 facilitates target search by ultrafast transfer between different DNA strands”, Nucleic Acid Res., 46, 7261-7269, (2018)


  • Kazumasa Sakurai, Masanori Yagi, Tsuyoshi Konuma, Satoshi Takahashi, Chiaki Nishimura, Yuji Goto, “Non-Native α-Helices in the Initial Folding Intermediate Facilitate the Ordered Assembly of the β-Barrel in β-Lactoglobulin”, Biochemistry, 56(36), 4799-4807, 2017.
  • Subekti D. R. G., Murata A., Itoh Y., Fukuchi S., Takahashi H., Kanbayashi S., *Takahashi S., *Kamagata K., “Disordered linker in p53 participates in non-specific binding to and 1D sliding along DNA revealed by single-molecule fluorescence measurements”, Biochemistry, 56 (32), 4134-4144, (2017)DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.7b00292
  • Agato Murata, Yuji Itoh, Eriko Mano, Saori Kanbayashi, Chihiro Igarashi, Hiroto Takahashi,  Satoshi Takahashi, Kiyoto Kamagata“One-Dimensional Search Dynamics of Tumor Suppressor p53 Regulated by a Disordered C-Terminal Domain”, Biophysical Journal, Vol.112, Issue 11, 2301-2314(2017)
  • Takuhiro Otosu, Kunihiko Ishii, Hiroyuki Oikawa, Munehito Arai, Satoshi Takahashi, and Tahei Tahara, “Highly Heterogeneous nature of the Native and Unfolded States of the B Domain of Protein A Revealed by Two-Dimensional Fluorescence Lifetime Correlation Spectroscopy”, J. Phys. Chem.B,121(22), 5463-5473(2017)
  • Daiki Tatsumi, Kei Nanatani, Yuto Koike, Kiyoto Kamagata, Satoshi Takahashi, Ayumu Konno, Tadaomi Furuta, Minoru Sakurai, Nobuyuki Uozumi, “Probing native metal ion association sites through quenching of fluorophores in the nucleotide-binding domains of the ABC transporter MsbA”, Biochemical Journal,474,12,1993-2007(2017)
  • Kiyoto Kamagata, Agato Murata, Yuji Itoh, Satoshi Takahashi, “Characterization of  facilitated diffusion of tumor suppressor p53 along DNA using single-molecule fluorescence imaging”, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews, 30,36-50(2017) 10.1016/j.jphotochemrev.2017.01.004
  • Masakazu Furuta, Tomotsumi Fujisawa, Hiroyasu Urago, Takahiro Eguchi, Tkahito Shingae, Satoshi Takahashi, Ewan W. Blanch and Masashi Unno. “Raman optical activity of tetra-alanine in the poly(L-proline) II type peptide conformation”,Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 19, 2078-2086(2017)10.1039/c6cp07828a

  • Igarashi C., Murata A., Itoh Y., Subekti D. R. G., Takahashi S., Kamagata K., “DNA garden:A simple method for producing arrays of stretchable DNA for single-molecule fluorescence imaging of DNA binding proteins”,Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 90, 34-43(2017)    10.1246/bcsj.20160298


  • Masataka Saito, Supawich Kamonprasertsuk, Satomi Suzuki, Kei Nanatani, Hiroyuki Oikawa, Keiichiro Kushiro, Madoka Takai, Po-Ting Chen, Eric Hsin-Liang Chen, Rita Pei-Yeh Chen, and Satoshi Takahashi, “Significant Heterogeneity and Slow Dynamics of the Unfolded Ubiquitin Detected by Confocal Method of Single-Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy” J. Phys. Chem. B, 120 (34), 8818-8829(2016), doi10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b05481
  • Yuji Itoh, Agato Murata, Seiji Sakamoto, Kei Nanatani, Takehiko Wada, Satoshi Takahashi, Kiyoto Kamagata, “Activation of p53 Facilitates the Target Search in DNA by Enhancing the Target Recognition Probability”, J. Mol. Biol. , 428, 2916–2930(2016), doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2016.06.001
  • Toshitaka Matsui, Shusuke Nambu, Celia W. Goulding, Satoshi Takahashi, Hiroshi Fujii, and Masao Ikeda-Saito, “Unique coupling of mono- and dioxygenase chemistries in a single active site promotes heme degradation” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 113, 3779–3784(2016)


  • Tsuyoshi Konuma, Kazumasa Sakurai, Masanori Yagi, Yuji Goto, Teturo Fujisawa, Satoshi Takahashi “Highly Collapsed Conformation of the Initial Folding Intermediates of β-Lactoglobulin with Non-Native α-Helix” Journal of Molecular Biology, 427(19):3158-65 (2015)
  • Agato Murata, Yuji Ito, Risa Kashima, Saori Kanbayashi, Kei Nanatani, Chihiro Igarashi, Masaki Okumura, Kenji Inaba, Takashi Tokino, Satoshi Takahashi, Kiyoto Kamagata “One-dimensional sliding of p53 along DNA is accelerated in the presence of Ca2+ or Mg2+ at millimolar concentrations”
    Journal of Molecular Biology,Volume 427, Issue 16, 14 August, 2663-2678 (2015)
  • Hiroyuki Oikawa, Kiyoto Kamagata ,Munehito Arai, and Satoshi Takahashi “Complexity of the Folding Transition of the B domain of Protein A Revealed by the High-Speed Tracking of Single-Molecule Fluorescence Time Series” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119(20), 6081-6091 (2015)


  • I.I. Rzeźnicka, H.Horino, N. Kikkawa, S. Sakaguchi, A.Morita, S. Takahashi, T. Komeda, H. Fukumura, T. Yamada, M. Kawai “Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of 4,4′-bipyridine and 4,4′-bipyridine N,N’-dioxide adsorbed on gold thin films” Surface Science (2013)
  • Atsuko Deguchi, Takeshi Tomita,Tsutomu Omori, Akiko Komatsu, Umeharu Ohto, Satoshi Takahashi, Natsuko Tanimura, Sachiko Akashi-Takamura, Kensuke Miyake and Yoshiro Maru “Serum Amyloid A3 Binds MD-2 To Activate p38 and NF-kB Pathways in a MyD88-Dependent Manner” J. Immunology (2013)
  • Hiroyuki Oikawa, Yuta Suzuki, Masataka Saito, Kiyoto Kamagata, Munehiro Arai and Satoshi Takahashi “Microsecond dynamics of an unfolded protein by a line confocal tracking of single molecule fluorescence” Scientific Reports 3, Article number:2151, doi:10.1038/srep02151
  • Shusuke Nambu, Toshitaka Matsui, Celia W. Goulding, Satoshi Takahashi, and Masao Ikeda-Saito “A New Way to Degrade Heme -THE MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS ENZYME MhuD CATALYZES HEME DEGRADATION WITHOUT GENERATING CO*-“ JBC , 288, No.14, pp, 10101-10109, 2013
  • Yusuke Miyashita, Tetsuichi Wazawa, George Mogami, Satoshi Takahashi, Yoshihiro Sambongi, and Makoto Suzuki “Hydration-State Change of horse Heart Cytochrome c Corresponding to Trifluoroacetic-Acid-Induced unfolding” Biophysical Journal Volume 104 January 2013 163-172


  • Kamagata K, Kawaguchi T, Iwahashi Y, Baba A, Fujimoto K, Komatsuzaki T, Sambongi Y, Goto Y, Takahashi S “Long-Term Observation of Fluorescence of Free SingleMolecules To Explore Protein-Folding Energy Landscapes” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 11525-11532 (2012)


  • Tsuyoshi Konuma, Tetsunari Kimura, Shuzo Matsumoto, Yuji Goto, Tetsuro Fujisawa, Alan R.Fersht and Satoshi Takahashi “Time-Resolved Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Study of the Folding Dynamics of Barnase” J.Mol.Biol. 405,1284-1294 (2011)