
TOPページ >  Achievements >  2021年〜


  • Yutaka Sano, Yuji Itoh, Supawich Kamonprasertsuk, Leo Suzuki, Atsuhito Fukasawa, Hiroyuki Oikawa, Satoshi Takahashi, “Simple and Efficient Detection Scheme of Two-Color Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy for Protein Dynamics Investigation from Nanoseconds to Milliseconds”, ACS Physical Chemistry Au, 4(1), 85–93, 2024.


  • Yibing Han, Takeshi Tomita, Masayoshi Kato, Norihiro Ashihara, Yumiko Higuchi, Hisanori Matoba, Weiyi Wang, Hikaru Hayashi, Yuji Itoh, Satoshi Takahashi, Hiroshi Kurita, Jun Nakayama, Nobuo Okumura, Sachie Hiratsuka, “Citrullinated fibrinogen-SAAs complex causes vascular metastagenesis”, Nature Communications, 14:4960, 2023.
  • *Kamagata K.Kusano R., Kanbayashi S., Banerjee T., Takahashi H., Single-molecule characterization of target search dynamics of DNA-binding proteins in DNA-condensed droplets“, Nucleic Acids Researchgkad471.
  • *Kamagata K., Kanbayashi S.Koda S., Kadotani A., Ubukata O., *Tashima T., Suppression of TDP-43 aggregation by artificial peptide binder targeting to its low complexity domain.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications2023, 662, 119-125.
  • *Kamagata K., Hando A., Ariefai M., Iwaki N., Kanbayashi S., Koike R., Ikeda K., Rational design of phase separating peptides based on phase separating protein sequence of p53.Scientific reports, 2023, 13, 5648.


  • Suzuki M., Tsuchiko A., Tanaka Y., Matubayasi N., Mogami G., Uozumi N., Takahashi S., “Hyper-mobile water and raman 2900 cm-1 peak band of water observed around backbone phosphates of double stranded DNA by high-resolution spectroscopies and MD structural feature analysis of water”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2023, doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.2c0695
  • Shrutarshi Mitra, Hiroyuki Oikawa, Divya Rajendran, Toshiyuki Kowada, Shin Mizukami, Athi N. Naganathan, Satoshi Takahashi,”Flexible Target Recognition of the Intrinsically Disordered DNA-Binding Domain of CytR Monitored by Single-Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy “,The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 126(33) 6136-6147 2022
  • *Kamagata K.Ariefai M.Takahashi H.Hando A.Subekti D.R.G., Ikeda K., Hirano A., *Kameda T., “Rational peptide design for regulating liquid-liquid phase separation on the basis of residue-residue contact energy.”, Scientific reports 12, 13718-13718, 2022.
  • Chuong T.T., Ogura T., Hiyoshi N., Takahashi K., Lee S., Hiraga K., Iwase H., Yamaguchi A., Kamagata K., Mano E., Hamakawa S., Nishihara H., Kyotani T., Stucky G.D., *Itoh T.Giant Carbon Nano-Test Tubes as Versatile Imaging Vessels for High-Resolution and In Situ Observation of ProteinsACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 26507-26516.

  • Kamagata K.*, Iwaki N., Kanbayashi S.Banerjee T.Chiba R., Gaudon V., Castaing B., Sakamoto S., “Structure-dependent recruitment and diffusion of guest proteins in liquid droplets of FUS”, Scientific Reports, 12, 7101, 2022

  • Divya Rajendran, Shrutarshi Mitra, Hiroyuki Oikawa, Kulkarni Madhurima, Ashok Sekhar, Satoshi Takahashi, Athi N. Naganathan, “Quantification of Entropic Excluded Volume Effects Driving Crowding-Induced Collapse and Folding of a Disordered Protein”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 13(13), 3112-3220, 2022.


  • Kiyoto Kamagata, “Single-Molecule Microscopy Meets Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Characterizing the Molecular Action of Proteins on DNA and in Liquid Condensates”, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 8(1139), 795367, 2021.
  • Kamagata K.*Iwaki N.,  Hazra M.K.Kanbayashi S., Banerjee T.Chiba R.Sakamoto S., Gaudon V., Castaing B., Takahashi H.Kimura M.Oikawa H.Takahashi S.Levy Y., “Molecular principles of recruitment and dynamics of guest proteins in liquid droplets”, Scientific Reports, 11, 19323, 2021
  • *Kamagata K., Itoh Y., Tan C., Mano E., Wu Y., Mandali S., Takada S., *Johnson R. C., Testing mechanisms of DNA sliding by architectural DNA binding proteins: dynamics of single wild-type and mutant protein molecules in vitro and in vivo“, Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, 49, 8642-8664.

  • Banergee T., Takahashi H., Subekti D.R.G.Kamagata K.*, “Engineering of the genome editing protein Cas9 to slide along DNA”, Scientific Reports, 11, 14165, 2021
  • Takeshi Tomita, Masayoshi Kato, Taishi Mishima, Yuta Matsunaga, Hideki Sanjo, Ken-ichi Ito, Kentaro Minagawa, Toshimitsu Matsui, Hiroyuki Oikawa, Satoshi Takahashi, Toshifumi Takao, Noriki Iwai, Takashi Mino, Osamu Takeuchi, Yoshiro Maru, Sachie Hiratsuka, “Extracellular mRNA transported to the nucleus exerts translation-independent function”, Nature Communications, 12(3655), 2021.
  • Kamagata K.*, Chiba R., Kawahata I, Iwaki N., Kanbayashi S., Maeda K., Takahashi H., Hirano A, Fukunaga K, Ikeda K, Kameda T, “Characterization of design grammar of peptides for regulating liquid droplets and aggregates of FUS”, Scientific Reports, 11, 6643, 2021