Laboratory members
Staff members:
Dr. Taku J Sato, Professor
- S Bldg. Rm. S203 (ext. 5348)
- Research topics: neutron scattering, quantum spin systems, superconductors, quasicrystals
- Click here for his own webpage
- Click here for T. J. Sato’s old self-introduction
Dr. Kazuhiro Nawa, Associate Professor
- S Bldg. Rm S202 (ext. 5350)
- Research topics: Frustrated quantum magnets, quasicrystal
- Click here for his own webpage
Dr. Katsuki Kinjo, Assistant Professor
- S Bldg. Rm S201 (ext. 5350)
- Research topics: Superconductivity
- Click here for his own webpage
Dr. Hung-Cheng Wu, Assistant Professor
- S Bldg. Rm S201 (ext. 5350)
- Research topics: Quantum Liquid Crystals
- Click here for his own webpage
Prof. Dr. Kazuhisa Kakurai, Research Fellow
- S Bldg. Rm S233 (ext. 5348)
Ms. Akiko Tazaki, administrative Assistant
- S Bldg. Rm S202 (ext. 5348)
Mr. Chun Wai Tsang, M1
- S.Bldg. Rm. S233 (ext. 5349)
- Department of Physics, Tohoku University
- Research topics: kagome superconductor and related materials
Mr. Dongge Zheng, M1
- S.Bldg. Rm. S233 (ext. 5349)
- Department of Physics, Tohoku University
- Research topics: External stimulus effect of non-trivial magnetic order
Ms. Hyelyn You, M1
- S.Bldg. Rm. S233 (ext. 5349)
- Department of Physics, Tohoku University
- Research topics: Magnetic quasicrystals and approximants
Mr. Mugi Inagaki, M1
- S.Bldg. Rm. S233 (ext. 5349)
- Department of Physics, Tohoku University
- Research topics: TBD
Mr. Futo Sakuda, B4
- S.Bldg. Rm. S201 (ext. 5350)
- Department of Physics, Tohoku University
- Research topics: TBD
Group alumni
- Current affiliation: Tenure-track Scientist, Neutron Science and Technology Center, Comprehensive Research Organization for Science and Society (CROSS)
Mr. Ryoto Shimodate (2022.04-2024.03; master student)
Mr. Takehiro Ishida (2023.4-2024.3; bachelor student)
Mr. Takumi Hiraoka (2021.4-2023.3; Master student)
Mr. Shinnosuke Matsuzaka (2020.4-2023.3; Bachelor and Master student)
Dr. Pharit Piyawongwatthana (2017.9.-2023.3; COLABS exchange student)
- Present address: JAEA
Mr. Daiki Higashi (2013.4-; Bachelor and Master student)
Dr. Daisuke Okuyama (2014.4-2022.3; Assistant Professor)
- Present address: Associate Professor, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
- Click here for his own webpage
Mr. Masaya Shibata (2019.4-2022.3 ; Bachelor and Master student)
Mr. Hayato Miyata (2021-2022; Bachelor student)
Mr. Ryoutarou Takahashi (2018.4-2021.3 ; Bachelor and Master student)
Mr. Akihito Ebina (2019.4-2021.3 ; Master student)
Dr. Kim Sandvik (2016-2019; Ph.D student)
- Present address: Murata Finland
Dr. Seno Aji (2017-2020; Ph.D student)
- Present address: ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo
Mr. Masataka Shimizu (2018-2020; Master student)
Dr. Johaness Daniel Reim (2015-2019; JSPS research fellow)
Mr. Mitsuru Takahashi (2016-2019; Bachelor and Master student)
Mr. Hidesato Ishida (2017-2018; Bachelor student)
- Present address: Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
Prof. Dr. Kazuhisa Kakurai, Visiting Professor (2015-2016)
- On leave from Quantum Beam Science Center,Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Mr. Koya Makino(2014-2017; Bachelor and Master student)
Dr. Takafumi Hawai (2011-2016; Master and Ph.D student)
- Present affiliation: postdoctoral fellow at High-energy accelerator research organization (KEK)
Mr. Kim Sandvik (2013-2015; COLABS exchange student)
- On leave from Tampere University of Technology, Finland (Will be back soon!!!)
Mr. Kosuke Takahashi (2013-2016; Bachelor and Master student)
Mr. Yuto Kurosawa (2015-2016; Bachelor student)
Prof. Dr. Seunghun Lee (2015/05-07; Visiting professor)
- On leave from Department of Physics, University of Virginia, USA.
Mr. Anjana Samarakoon (2015/05-07; Visiting Ph. D student)
- On leave from Department of Physics, University of Virginia, USA.
Mr. Haruki Sato (2013/10-2015/03; master student)
- On leave from Kimura Lab, IMRAM, Tohoku University
Dr. Yusuke Nambu (2010 at ISSP – 2015; assistant professor)
- Present affiliation: Associate Professor, Fujita Lab, IMR, Tohoku University
Mr. Eiichi Takekawa (2012-2015; bachelor and master student)
Mr. Minoru Sanda (2012-2014; Ph. D student)
Mr. Pariwat Ungsirikulchai (2014 Spring-Summer): Presently atMahidol University, Thailand
Group alumni from Sato group at ISSP University of Tokyo
Dr. Teruo Yamazaki (2010-2012; postdoctral research fellow)
- Present affiliation: Assistant professor, Tokyo University of Science
Ms. Kyoko Miyazaki (2010-2012; administrative assitant)
Dr. Masakazu Nishi (2010-2012)
- Present affiliation: Waseda University
Dr. Soshi Ibuka (2007-2012; master and Ph. D student)
- Present affiliation: Postdoctral fellow, High energy accerelator research organization (KEK)
Mr. Marein Rahn (2010-2011; exchange student from Technische Universitat Munchen)
Prof. Seunghun Lee (2010; visiting professor)
- On leave from Department of Physics, University of Virginia
Mr. Jooseop Lee (2010; visiting student)
- Present affiliation: Postdoctral fellow, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Prof. Hiroaki Kadowaki (2009-2010; visiting professor)
- On leave from Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Mr. Hideki Ishida (2008-2010; master student)
Dr. Kazuki Iida (2005-2010; master and Ph. D student)
- Present affiliation: Staff scientist, CROSS-Tokai
Ms. Keiko Ninomiya (2006-2010; administrative assistant)
Dr. Kittiwit Matan (2008-2010; postdoctral research fellow)
- Present affiliation: Assistant professor, Department of Physics, Mahidol University
Dr. Naoyuki Katayama (2009; research fellow)
- Present affiliation: Assistant professor, Nagoya University
Mr. Rei Morinaga (2006-2009; master and Ph.D student)
Dr. Ryota Akiyama (2007-2009; master student)
- Present affiliation: Assistant professor, University of Tsukuba
Mr. Isao Nakanowatari (2005-2007; master student)
Prof. Takahiro Onimaru (2005-2007; postdoctral research fellow)
- Present affiliation: Associate professor, Hiroshima University
Ms. Jun Kitano (2005-2006; administrative assistant)
Ms. Sachiko Ono (2004-2005; administrative assistant)