• ssid[at]res.tagen.tohoku.ac.jp

第16回多元研研究発表会(さくらホール, December 7th-8th 2016)体験記 (Writer:Mean)

Hi everyone! I’m back again in this corner.

This time, I had an opportunity to participate the 第16回多元物質科学研究所研究発表会; the annual conference of the Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Material, Tohoku University. In this conference, it was a showcase of our institute. There are many interesting topics in a various field of research. This is my first time to learn what our institute is working on. Many cutting-edge researches on both basic science and applied science were presented. To be honest, i could not understand half of them.

In this poster session, two members from Amezawa lab, Ms.Sato and I, were participated. I gave a presentation entitled “Development of operando two-dimensional imaging of reaction distribution in all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries' cathode”. During the presentation, my poster got a lot of attraction from professors and members to come for discussion on my work. I have challenged myself to present this research in Japanese for the first time, although I did make my poster in English. Hopefully they could understand my research. . . . I also got lot of comments and ideas from the different point of view which can be useful for the next step of my research.

Until we meet again, Best
