• ssid[at]res.tagen.tohoku.ac.jp

第57回電池討論会(幕張メッセ, November 29th-Decemver 1st 2016)体験記 (Writer:Gao)

Hello, I am Gao, a master student of Amazawa Lab.

Last week, I got an opportunity to take part in the Japan Battery Symposium in Makuhari Messe, Chiba prefecture.

So this is the first for me to attend a formal conference, in this conference, not only Japanese battery researcher, but also researchers from all over the world reported and communed their research and achievement. Even everyone have their own theme of research and which are quite different from my research, but I still learnt a lot useful knowledge, for example, some tips about how to improve the charge-discharge performance of my material by make some additional processes during synthesis. After all, as a battery research, the most important thing is try to improve the performance of battery.

And during this symposium, I had my first presentation. Of course, first presentation is accompany with nervous and uneasy, heart beat heavily, a lot of perspiration. But when I start my presentation, these filling disappeared immediately, you, your slide, and the stage under your feet constituted the whole world, it was quite special feeling for me, and I like it very much. I hope I will have similar chance again in the future.

At least, I will appreciate for your reading, and appreciate Amezawa Lab who gave me this fantastic experience, thanks very much.

Gao Hongze