• ssid[at]res.tagen.tohoku.ac.jp

“The 17th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries”
June 10-14, 2014, @Como, Italy (Writer: Toshiki WATANABE)

   イタリア北部のコモにて行われたリチウム電池の国際学会「IMLB」に当研究室から雨澤教授、M2の舟山、渡邊の3名が参加してまいりました。今回で17回目(32年目)を迎える今年のIMLBは、ミラノから電車で約40分北上した場所に位置するコモ湖の湖畔にある会議場”Villa Erba”で行われ、40の招待講演と700を超えるポスター発表が行われました。世界各国から著名な先生方をはじめ、数多くの研究者が集まり、活発な議論が行われていました。私たちは、”Effect of Mechanical Stress on Electrochemical Properties of Li ion Batteries Cathodes”(舟山), “Evaluation of the Reaction Distribution in LiCoO2 Composite Electrode Studied by In situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy ”
(渡邊) という題目で2件のポスター発表を行いました。

    We attended the 17th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB) in Como, Italy to give poster presentations. The conference was held in Villa Erba convention center located on the shore of Lake Como. At the meeting, 40 oral presentations were given by invited speakers and over 700 posters were presented by professors, researchers and students from all over the world. We presented two posters titled ”Effect of Mechanical Stress on Electrochemical Properties of Li ion Battery Cathodes” (Funayama) and “Evaluation of the Reaction Distribution in LiCoO2 Composite Electrode Studied by In situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy ” (Watanabe).  


    This was my first time to have a presentation at an international meeting in another country. Although I’m not good at speaking English, we could have active discussion with a lot of people about my research. This experience gave me motivation to study more and gave me the opportunity to improve my presentation skills. We also enjoyed beautiful scenery around the lakeside and Italian food in some restaurants located at Como downtown. The seafood spaghetti showed in the picture below was my favorite.  

Writer:Toshiki WATANABE