Publications in 1998


  1. "Electron energy-loss spectroscopy study of the electronic structure of boron nitride nanotubes",
    Masami Terauchi, Michiyoshi Tanaka, Takehisa Matsumoto and Yahachi Saito
    J. Electron Microscopy, 47(4) (1998) 319.

  2. "Dielectric properties of extended defects in silicon studied by high-resolution transmission EELS",
    Hideo Kohno, Toshinobu Mabuchi, Seiji Takeda, Masanori Kohyama, Masami Terauchi, and Michiyoshi Tanaka
    J. Electron Microscopy, 47(4) (1998) 311.

  3. "Structural Studies of Decagonal Quasicrystals and Their Approximants by High-Angle Annular Dark-Field method"(in japanese),
    Koh Saitoh, Michiyoshi Tanaka
    KOTAIBUTSURI or Solid State Physics 33(10) (1998) 825

  4. "A new structural model of an Al72Ni20Co8 decagonal quasicrystal",
    Koh Saitoh, Kenji Tsuda and Michiyoshi Tanaka
    J.Phys.Soc.Japan, 67(8) (1998) 2578.

  5. "Structure of plytypoids in AlN crystals containing oxygen",
    Y. Yan, M. Terauchi and M. Tanaka,
    Phil. Mag. A, 77 (1998) 1027.

  6. "Electron energy-loss spectroscopy study of the metal-insulator transition in V2O3",
    H. Abe, M. Terauchi, M. Tanaka and S. Shin,
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 37 (1998) 584.

  7. "Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy of the Electronic Structure of Quasicrystals ",
    M.Terauchi, H. Ueda, M.Tanaka, A.P.Tsai, A.Inoue and T.Masumoto,
    Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Quasicrystals, (1998) 587-590.

  8. "Convergent-beam electron diffraction and electorn microscope studies of decagonal quasicrsytals",
    K. Tsuda, K. Saitoh, M. Tanaka, A. P. Tsai, A. Inoue and T. Masumoto,
    Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Quasicrystals, (1998) 11-18.

  9. "Structure analysis of decagonal quasicrystal by convergent-beam electron diffraction",
    K. Saitoh, K. Tsuda and M. Tanaka,
    Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Quasicrystals, (1998) 59-62.

  10. "Metallic-covalent bonding conversion in aluminum-based and boron-based icosahedral cluster solids",
    K. Kimura, H. Matsuda, M. Fujimori,M. Terauchi, M. Tanaka, H. Kumigashira, N. Yokoya and T. Takahashi
    Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Quasicrystals, (1998) 595-598.

  11. "Electron-energy-loss spectroscopy of a stable decagonal-quasicrystal of Al70Ni20Rh10",
    M.Terauchi, H.Ueda, M.Tanaka, A.P.Tsai, A.Inoue and T.Masumoto,
    Phil. Mag. B, (1998) 77, 1625-1632

  12. "Electron-energy-loss spectroscopy of a stable decagonal-quasicrystal Al70Ni15Co15,
    M.Terauchi, H.Ueda, M.Tanaka, A.P.Tsai, A.Inoue and T.Masumoto,
    Phil. Mag. Lett.,(1998) 77, 351-357

  13. "Detection of Inactive Defects in Crystalline Silicon by High Resolution Transmission Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy",
    H.Kohno, T.Mabushi, S.Takeda, M.Kohyama, M.Terauchi and M.Tanaka,
    Phys. Rev. B, (1998) 58 10338-10342.

  14. "Construction and preliminaly test of a new energy filtering TEM "JEM-2010FEF"",
    T.Kaneyama, K.Tsuno, T.Honda, M.Kersker, K.Tsuda, M.Terauchi and M.Tanaka,
    Electron Microscopy 1998 Vol.I, 235-236.

  15. "Performance of a new W-filter electron microscope convergent-beam electron diffraction"
    K.Tsuda, K.Saitoh, M.Terauchi, M.Tanaka, T.Kaneyama, K.Tsuno, T.Honda,
    Electron Microscopy 1998 Vol.I, 251-252.

  16. "Design of an Omega filter for 200 kV TEM",
    K.Tsuno, T.Kaneyama, T.Honda, Y.Ishida, K.Tsuda, M.Terauchi and M.Tanaka,
    Electron Microscopy 1998 Vol.I, 253-254.

  17. "Structural studies of decagonal quasicrystals using the high-angle annular dark-field method",
    K.Saitoh, K.Tsuda, M.Tanaka and A.P.Tsai
    Electron Microscopy 1998 Vol.III, 17-18.

  18. "High energy-resolution EELS study of the electronic structure of boron-nitride nanotubes",
    M.Terauchi, M.Tanaka, T.Matsumoto and Y.Saito,
    Electron Microscopy 1998 Vol.III, 125-126.

  19. "Electron energy-loss spectroscopy study of vanadium oxides",
    H.Abe, M.Terauchi, M.Tanaka, S.Shin and Y.Ueda,
    Electron Microscopy 1998 Vol.III, 631-632.

  20. "A new W-filter electron microscope and structure refinement by convergent-beam electron diffraction",
    K.Tsuda, M.Tanaka,
    Electron Microscopy 1998 Vol.III, 741-742.

  21. "Refinement of crystal structural parameters using two-dimensional energy-filtered HOLZ CBED patterns",
    K.Tsuda, M.Tanaka,
    Electron Microscopy 1998 Vol.III, 783-784.