Si and other materials and oxides
(SiC, FeSi2, Fe2B2O5, defects, doping, metallization, etc.)

last update : August 29, 2014

(a) Papers
 Year   Authors   Title   Journal   Vol., Page   Link
2013 M.Warasawa, Y.Watanabe, J.Ishida, Y.Murata, S.F.Chichibu, M.Sugiyama Fabrication of Visible-Light-Transparent Solar Cells using p-type NiO Films by Low Oxygen Fraction Reactive RF Sputtering Deposition Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 52,
pp.021102 1-4
2012 K.Hazu, T.Ohtomo, T.Nakayama, A.Tanaka, and S.F.Chichibu Lateral transport properties of Nb-doped rutile- and anatase-TiO2 films epitaxially grown on c-plane GaN Applied Physics Letters 101,
pp.072107 1-4
2011-2 A.Fouda, K.Hazu, T.Nakayama, A.Tanaka, and S.F.Chichibu Helicon-wave-excited- plasma sputtering epitaxy of Nb-doped TiO2 films on GaN Physica Status Solidi (c) 8 (2),
2011-1 A.Fouda, K.Hazu, M.Haemori, T.Nakayama, A.Tanaka, and S.F.Chichibub Transparent semiconducting Nb-doped anatase TiO2 films deposited by helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 29 (1),
pp.011017 1-6
2010 K.Hazu, A.Fouda, T.Nakayama, A.Tanaka, and S.F.Chichibu Crystal Phase-Selective Epitaxy of Rutile and Anatase Nb-doped TiO2 Films on a GaN Template by the Helicon-Wave-Excited-Plasma Sputtering Epitaxy Method Applied Physics Express 3 (9),
pp.pp.091102 1-3
2009 T.Kawano, H.Morito, T.Yamada, T.Onuma, S.F.Chichibu, and H.Yamane Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of iron pyroborate (Fe2B2O5) single crystals Journal of Solid State Chemistry 182,
S.Kamiyama, T.Maeda, Y.Nakamura, M.Iwaya, H.Amano, I.Akasaki, H.Kinoshita, T.Furusho, M.Yoshimoto, T.Kimoto, J.Suda, A.Henry, I.G.Ivanov, J.P.Bergman, B.Monemar, T.Onuma, and S.F.Chichibu
Extremely high quantum efficiency of donor-acceptor-pair emission in N-and-B-doped 6H-SiC
Journal of Applied Physics
 99, pp.093108 1-4
K.Takarabe, R.Teranishi, J.Oinuma, Y.Mori, T.Suemasu, S.Chichibu, and F.Hasegawa Optical properties of b-FeSi2 under pressure Physical Review B  65, pp.165215 PRB
K.Takakura, N.Hiroi, T.Suemasu, S.F.Chichibu, F.Hasegawa Investigation of direct and indirect band gaps of [100]-oriented nearly
strain-free b-FeSi2 films grown by molecular-beam epitaxy
Applied Physics Letters 80,pp.556-558 APL
2001 K.Takarabe, R.Teranishi, J.Oinuma, Y.Mori, T.Suemasu, S.Chichibu, and F.Hasegawa Optical Absorption Spectra of b-FeSi2 under Pressure Physica Status Solidi  (b) 223, pp.259-263 pss(b)
1995 F.Ishihara, H.Uji, T.Kamimura, S.Matsumoto, H.Higuchi, and S.Chichibu Use of Tetraethylgermane in ArF Excimer Laser Deposition of Amorphous Silicon-Germanium Films Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 34, pp.2229-2234 JJAP (pdf)

S.Chichibu, T.Nii, T.Akane, and S.Matsumoto Use of tertiarybutylarsine in ArF excimer laser doping of arsenic into silicon Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B11, pp.341-343 JVSTB (pdf)
1992 S.Chichibu, N.Yoshida, H.Higuchi, and S.Matsumoto Chemical Vapor Deposition of Cu Film on SiO2 Using clopentadienylcoppertriethylphosphine Japanese Journal of Applied
31, L1778-L1780 JJAP (pdf)
1988 S.Chichibu, T.Harada and S.Matsumoto Effect of Dopant Concentration on Oxidation-Induced Stacking Faults in Boron-Doped CZ Silicon Japanese Journal of Applied
27, L1543-L1545 JJAP (pdf)
(b) Conferences
9. D. Kawade, K. Moriyama, F. Nakamura, S. F. Chichibu, and M. Sugiyama:
" Fabrication of visible-light-transparent solar cells composed of NiO/NixZn1-xO/ZnO heterostructures ",
The 19th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-19), Niigata, Japan, Sep. 1-5, (2014), No.Thu-O-12B (oral).

8. K. Moriyama, D. Kawade, F. Nakamura, S. F. Chichibu, and M. Sugiyama:
" Fabrication of Visible-Light-Transparent Solar Cells Composed of NiO/ NixZn1-xO /ZnO heterojunctions",
Materials Research Society, 2014 Spring Meeting, Symposium E: Earth-Abundant Inorganic Solar-Energy Conversion, San Francisco, CA, USA, Apr.21-25 (2014) No. E15.17 (poster).

7. D. Kawade, T. Yamashita, J. Ishida, S. F. Chichibu, and M. Sugiyama:
" Control of carrier concentration for wide-bandgap p-type NiO thin film as a multifunctional window",
Materials Research Society, 2013 Spring Meeting, Symposium XX: Oxide Thin Films and Heterostructures for Advanced Information and Energy Technologies, San Francisco, CA, USA, Apr.1-5 (2013) No. XX3.20 (poster).

6, M. Warasawa, J. Ishida, S. F. Chichibu, and M. Sugiyama:
" Fabrication of a novel solar cell using p-type oxide semiconductors deposited using RF reactive sputtering method",
Materials Research Society, 2011 Fall Meeting, Symposium M: Oxide Semiconductors - Defects, Growth, and Device Fabrication Boston, MA, USA, Nov.28-Dec.2 (2011) No. M13-28 (poster).

5, K. Hazu, A. N. Fouda, M. Haemori, T. Nakayama, A. Tanaka, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Crystal phase-selective epitaxy of rutile and anatase Nb-doped TiO2 films on a GaN template by the helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy",
The 9th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-9), Glasgow, UK, Jul.10-15 (2011), No. B9.4 (oral).

4. J. Ishida, H. Kudo, Y. Murata, M. Sugiyama, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Fabrication of NiO related solar cells by RF sputtering method",
Materials Research Society 2011 Spring Meeting, Symposium D: Compound Semiconductors for Energy Applications and Environmental Sustainability, San Francisco, CA, USA, Apr.25-29, (2011), No.D16.15 (poster).

3. Y. Murata, M. Sugiyama, and S. F. Chichibu:
"Effects of air-annealing on structural and optical properties of p-type nickel oxide films deposited by the RF reactive sputtering method",
Materials Research Society, 2010 Fall Meeting, Session MM: Transparent Conducting Oxides and Applications, Boston, MA, USA, Nov.30-Dec.4 (2010) No. MM6.13 (poster).

2. S.Chichibu, N.Yoshida, H.Higuchi and S.Matsumoto
"CuCVD on SiO2 Using Cyclopentadienylcoppertriethyl- phosphine",
183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society,Inc., Honoruru, Hawaii May.16-21, 1993. No.305.

1. S.Chichibu, T.Nii, T.Akane and S.Matsumoto:
"Heavily Arsenic Doping into Si by ArF Excimer Laser Doping Using Tertiarybutylarsine (tBAs)",
5th International Conference on Shallow Impurities in Semiconductors, Physics and Control of Impurities.Kobe, Japan August 5-8 1992: Materials Science Forum 117-118,pp.243-248(1993).