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【14.10.09】生命有機・物理化学セミナー3: Univ.Miami Prof.V.Ramamurthy講演会

10月9日木曜15時00分よりUniversity of Miami Prof. V. Ramamurthyによる多元研2014生命有機・物理化学セミナー03を実施致します。皆様、ご多忙なこととは存じますが、是非多数のご参加をお願い致します。


日 時: 10月9日(木曜日) 午後3時00分ー4時30分頃

場 所: 多元研事務棟2階 大会議室(11番建物:http://www.tagen.tohoku.ac.jp/modules/public/index.php?content_id=34)

主 催: 東北大多元研・物質デバイス領域共同研究拠点・ナノマクロ物質・デバイス・システム 創製アライアンス


講 師: University of Miami Prof. V. Ramamurthy

演 題: Chemistry in a Capsule: Manipulating Photochemical Processes Through Confinement and Weak Interactions
世話人: 和田健彦


  1. Ramamurthy先生は、光化学、特に規制反応空間内での特異的光反応開拓の世界的トップリーダーで、数々の素晴らしい論文、総説、著書を発表されています。今回は北大で開催される光化学討論会でElsevier Awardの授賞式のため来日されるのを機に、御忙しい合間を縫って御来仙・御来学、講演頂けることになりました。






Chemistry in a Capsule: Manipulating Photochemical Processes Through Confinement and Weak Interactions


  1. Ramamurthy

Department of Chemistry, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA


Chemical reactions occur in all three states of matter (gas, liquid and solid). But the most important chemical reactions in biological systems are distinct in occurring in confined environments in water often times on cell surfaces. Entrapment of molecules and understanding their behavior in relation to their micro- and macro environments is thus important in gaining knowledge on the functioning of the animate and inanimate objects around us and creating new materials and devices.  Reactions in the biological systems are highly selective while those in gas phase and in organic solvents tend to yield a mixture of products.  A long cherished goal of photochemists has been to achieve selectivity in photoprocesses (chemical and physical) through the use of confining media and weak interactions.  Results of our studies on the excited state behavior of organic molecules enclosed within molecular containers in aqueous medium and on inert (silica, clay, -ZrP) and active (TiO2 and gold nanoparticle) surfaces will be presented.


Ramamurthy (Murthy) following early education in India (B. Sc and M. Sc degrees) moved to USA for graduate and postdoctoral education.  Following training in the laboratories of Professors R. S. H. Liu (University of Hawaii; Ph. D. degree), P. de Mayo (Uni. Western Ontario; postdoctoral studies) and N. J. Turro (Columbia University; postdoctoral studies), Murthy returned to India in 1978 to take up an Assistant Professor position at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore where he conducted research in organic photochemistry till 1987.  In 1987 Murthy moved to the DuPont Company, Wilmington and continued to research on fundamental problems related to supramolecular chemistry, solid-state chemistry and zeolite chemistry (1987-94).   In 1994 he returned to academic setting and continued his teaching and research activities at Tulane University (1994-2004; Bernard-Baus Professor of Chemistry) and University of Miami (2005-).   While at DuPont Murthy edited a monograph “Photochemistry in Organized and Constrained Media” in 1991 that led to a series titled “Molecular and Supramolecular Photocehmistry” (14 volumes, 1994-2004). Recently he co-authored a textbook “Modern Molecular Organic Photochemistry” (N. J. Turro,V. Ramamurthy and J. C. Scaiano.   Ramamurthy has authored over 350 scientific publications and co-edited 20 monographs and special issues for various journals.   In addition to being a researcher and administrator (department chair 2004-1013), he also serves as a Senior Editor for the ACS journal Langmuir.
