研究室についてAbout us


We aim to contribute to our society through process technologies. Materials production industries consume huge amount of energy and resources while they receive the strong social pressure regarding global warming, waste and resource problems. To realize the sustainably developing society, intensive work for improving material process efficiency and developing novel processes. For such purpose, we have been dealing with the following research topics.

  • Development of artificial material processes (computer simulation).
  • Control of boundary layer for acceleration of heat and mass transfer rates.
  • Recovery, storage and utilization of industrial waste heat.


Our laboratory accepts the graduate students from the

Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing, Graduate School of Engineering.





● 様々な素材プロセスのシミュレータ開発

● プロセスシミュレーションによるブレイクスルーポイントの探査

● 輸送現象高速化のための境界層制御法開発

● 排熱の高効率回収・貯蔵法の開発



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